@IndiCat, it's too soon to notice the full flavor, wait until it's properly cured ;)
if if was a different pheno you would have noticed that in differences while it was growing
I did same strain, another breeder.
She is reacting VERY well to fimming, give it a try! I run even lower watt than you, 66,6W per plant.
But i'm ending up with 20 something plus top bud sites per plant because of top and side branches fimming (did couple of accidental topping on the way lol).
Just remember: indoor is not nature, shape the plant as the light "shade" on the canopy. And there is no side light like in nature: only top buds are good buds ;)
Bionova is a good choice: a list of ingredients in a box. If you want to go deeper/cheaper there are many non specific fert you can buy! And some goes for vase, etc. etc...