She dried out a little too much during the week.
Lots of leaves turned brown too.
I think she is done anyway, trichomes are all milky and the pistils are mostly brown.
Based on that = harvest in 24h 💪
Ottimo lavoro complimenti però secondo me avresti potuto aspettare ancora quello forse è il motivo per le cime molto ariose. Poi vedo ancora molti pistilli bianchi e i tricomi mi sembrano ancora giovani. Ottimo lavoro comunque!!
@Bryankush, I do think I harvested earlier in the window rather than later. Next time I will put her in a 20L pot too, the pot I used (10L) was far too small for her 😭 and I will have more idea on the harvest time. Maybe I will harvest a week or 2 later and see what happens.
😍 😎
She looks great bro, gonna be a nice yield, love your grow but not a fan of emerald triangles gear, nice yielding strains but potency not there for me. Hopefully she turns out wonderful for you though. Cheers