Week 8
Day 51 (12/29)
I fed her today. I used the full strength "Flower Week 5" on the schedule, but with the addition of the Top Booster, I went with 75% strength. I gave it to her in a 1/2 gallon of pH'd RO water, with some Cal-Mag added. I finally got the last pieces to my project, so I will spend the rest of the day switching over from the 2x2 to the 4x4.
Day 52 (12/30)
Officially in the 4x4 now. Everything is setup and maintaining good temps and humidity. She seems to be loving the new setup. I'm getting 4 more pots ready to pop some more seeds, but have to go get more perlite tomorrow first.
Day 54 (1/1)
Happy New Year! This lady is still going strong and doing well with the new lights. I spent yesterday prepping more pots and getting soil mixed up. I'm hoping to get 4 seeds in the ground today and will start germinating in my 2x2. I'll start a new journal for those. I'm thinking of going with Gorilla Glue (Linda Seeds), White Widow (Linda Seeds), Dos Si Dos (Barney Farm), and one of the "Roc's auto mix" seeds (Roc Bud Inc)
Day 55 (1/2)
Gave her water this morning, RO pH'd at around 6.5. I slowly gave her 1/4 gallon, let her sit 15 min, then gave another 1/4 gallon.
Day 57 (1/4)
Last day of week 8. I checked the soil moisture and she's okay. Will probably feed tomorrow or the next day.
This color change started a few days ago with my new growth. Is this normal? Deficiency? Something to freak out about? It looks cool but I don’t know what is going on.