05/11 seeds left to soak in small cup of distilled water ('de-mineralised', ph 6) set above warming mat on low in dark. ~24hrs ie should see some cracking. expecting to pull and transfer to paper towel method for germ tomorrow.
06/11 checked seeds ~18hrs in, seem to be swelling and beginning to split. put large ceramic plate on warming mat to bring to roomish temp. transferred seeds to dampened paper towels after almost 30hrs of soak/visible tap roots. double towel on bottom plate, towel and another plate on top all left above low-set warming mat. will check regularly to keep damp and expect to pot tap roots once ~5-10mm, likely tomorrow
07/11 actually springing 6 seeds all up, likely 2 for meself and 4 for a mate if they all make it. 2 days since beginning soak (18hrs paper towel method) 5/6 have ~1cm tap roots. 6th is lagging a bit but tap root is poppin thru. using canna terra pro as substrate for this grow. filled 6 starter pots and dampened soil prior to potting the 5 ready to go. covered pots w plastic bottles and placed under light ~60cm away. last seed planted 8hrs later. light on solid for over 24 hrs and will go off tomorrow
09/11 all 6 seedlings are visible (first 5 started popping through yesterday arvo ie. just over 3 days since soak). pic uploaded. today and the next couple days weather is forecast hotter than usual. still checking every few hrs to make sure the bbs aren't drying out. majority needed re-dampening a couple hrs before light was due to go out so watered and killed the light early today. will settle on 18/6 sched (light off during warmest part of the afternoon).
10/11 progress pic uploaded. 5 going fine, 6th seed is a lil gimpy but looks to be okay. hot weather continues (32) and tent steady ~30/31 during lights on. seemed still damp before lights out but w this hot weather they'll dry out before next lights out so sprayed carefully while they're on before overnight to only wet soil. next will have a little feed in it to start wk 1
12/11 that warmer weather has dropped away. progress pic uploaded, 100% strike rate w 6/6 seeds germinated, this diary following 2. beginning wk 1
the difference between germ success/failure (aside from reputable seedz) seems to be balancing the substrate never becoming bone dry while also avoiding overwatering. means also choosing initial germ pots which aren't too tiny, or too large. moisture, light and warmth. i've played things safe and used bottled ph'd water
https://www.philosopherseeds.com/blog/en/mistakes-germinating-cannabis-seeds/ is a great guide of what to look out for.