12/11 sprouts are looking g so began week 1 w tiny feed at 1/2 label strength. they're beginning to out-spring their half-bottle humidity covers so have swapped these for a large sandwich bag over all starting pots.
14/11 noticed mould developing on sides of starter pots under bag so wiped them down and won't be using anymore. too much moist, still air. gotta use larger bottles haha
15/11 re-dampened w half-strength feed just prior to lights out.
16/11 again re-dampened w feed before lights out. clearly running @ once a day now that bag has been ditched
17/11 pic uploaded. gals lookin g and p much ready for repotting - likely tomorrow. re-dampened before lights out
18/11 repotted 2 of the 6 seedlings into final fabric pots, day 11 since first planted. will be picking up a couple smaller pots so i can transplant the remaining 4 into intermediate plastic pots for that mate, likely tomorrow. dampened all including canna terra in final pots w distilled (not feed) pre-transplant. haven't bumped up light
19/11 transplanted remaining seeds to temp pots for mate. will feed tomorrow starting wk 2. end of wk heights are ~5cm