
Easy Bud by RQS / First Grow

4 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
DrMunchies DrMunchies
4 years ago
After germinating the seed i put it for a day in my PC while it was running, it sprouted really fast. For the first week I'm using a cardboard box with a 150W blurple LED around 35 cm above the seedling, I'll be switching to a closet as soon as it enters VEG. With lights on, the plant is in around 20-22C, though during the night it can get very cold, up to 15C. The humidity is stable, around 50-55 although I spray it around 3 times a day so it comes up to 60 and then goes down back to ~50%. I'm expecting around 10-15g from this lady, I want to keep her quite small and stealthy. Day 1: She sprouted very fast after a day, the stem was white and I could see she was fragile, I lifted the shell off her so she could get some light straight away, I'm not sure if that was a good thing but later on I didn't notice any issues caused by that. Day 3-4: I put a plastic bottle over it to keep the RH up, after around 10 hours the stem turned from the usual brown-ish color to a very white one so I lifted the bottle, it returned to it's previous state in a couple hours. It's growing good, I'm not having any other issues and the leaves seem to be healthy and perked up. Day 6-7: I'm starting to see the second pair of true leaves coming from the middle. She bends which is a bit of a concern, I'm trying to fix that by rotating it so she can adjust to the light. I moved the light to be directly above the plant at the end of Day 6, overnight the leaves perked up to an almost 70 degree angle meaning she's liking the new light position, the leaves are back to normal now in mid Day 7. Overall I'm quite happy with week one, she's done some decent progress with the second pair of true leaves beginning to show at day 6. I realize I could speed up the grow using coco and giving it better conditions, will definitely be looking for a way to keep the humidity and temperature stable during my next grow. In the entire week I've watered her 2, maybe 3 times by spraying the soil around it with tap water. I'll probably start LST next week, I'm hoping to see a lot more growth.
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Grow Questions
DrMunchiesstarted grow question 4 years ago
I didn't notice my plant had 35% RH and 29C for around 5 hours instead of the usual 50-55% RH and 22C, can this have stressed or even stunned my plant? Are there any long term effects? What can I do to fix this as fast as possible, I already adjusted the temps and humidity.
Other. Other
OimRauschanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey Mate, If your Damsel was exposed for a few hours, it shouldn't affect the further grow. Go back to normal and I'm conviced she'll doin fine. May you spray her once or twice a day with plain pH'd water. Or your fertilizer Brand has some beneficials which you can apply on her foliar. Good luck and happy trails for the rest of the way 🤞, Servus. OimRausch

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Taitoweek 1
Mucha suerte con el cultivo compañero💪
Thanks growmie!
Ferencweek 2
Good Luck! @DrMunchies
Thanks, much appreciated!
GreenFingeredLTweek 1
Hey man looking great so far! I've found easy bud does like to chase the light a bit, rotating her will sort it out Looking forward to seeing the space bucket setup when the time comes ;)
Thanks! I've rotated the plant and put the light directly over it and now it's almost perfectly straight. I've decided to go with a closet instead of a spacebucket since I'm not sure how big the plant will get. Really appreciate the kind words, I hope she'll turn out great ;)
Harukisanweek 2
Good luck mate 👍