11/21/20 ( DAY 8 )
Mixed 1 quart of distilled water with 1/4 tsp Cultured Biologix - Dr. Root and 2.5 ml SLF-100
11/22/20 ( DAY 9 )
Watered with 2 cups of distilled water with a ph of 6.3
11/23/20 ( DAY 10 )
Did nothing, room temp 74-78 °F and room humidity 60-66%
11/24/20 ( DAY 11 )
Mixed 1 quart of distilled water with 1/4 tsp Cultured Biologix - Dr Root and 2.5 ml SLF-100
Noticed the serrations on the first set of leaves curling up.
11/25/20 ( DAY 12 )
Did nothing, room temp 76-79 °F and room humidity 58-65%
11/26/20 ( DAY 13 )
Watered with 2 cups of distilled water with a
of ph 6.3
11/27/20 ( DAY 14 )
Did nothing, room temp and humidity stable.