I unfortunately don't have all the equipment that I would like, I don't have any monitors/thermometers, to watch the Co2, day and night temps, and all that good stuff. What I do bring to the table is that my crappy old cabinet never shuts all the way, so the good thing is that there is always great air flow, especially with my little fan in there helping, and I do have the natural bag of Co2 which should be just fine for the babies. So what I have going for me is that the temps, according to what I feel when I'm in there, is that it gets nice and warm in there, I can always see the nice breeze on the plants so I know there's lots of circulation and that since I can't lock it up all the way on in the inside, if it is ever too much (so far it hasn't) I can just open a door and allow some fresh air to enter and shake things up a bit. BUT I haven't had to that, so far it's looking warm, comfortably humid, with plenty air giving the babies a loving space to grow in. Why yes, I talk to my plants daily, they are my little girls, and research shows that it highly benefits your plants to actually talk to them and show them love, they will show it right back with how they grow! Ya, I'm a bit of a hippie if you ask me 😂 I doubt anyone is even asking. Please forgive my dumb sense of humor. Haha. ANYWHO, I have 10 gal grow bags because I want the best for my roots, I've read that auto's like light airy drier soil, mostly due to them growing so fast that their roots need plenty of space to quickly spread out and persistent wet dirt does not help with that. Right away I decided I would water on an as needed base, meaning I wait for the soil to get nearly completely dry before I water again. I'm always very careful not to overwater or overfeed.
So, FOOP, has anyone heard of FOOP? They provide a line of all-natural nutrients made primarily from reclaimed fish poop that delivers everything high-yielding cannabis and hemp plants need to flourish in a simple 2 part solution. ---copied from their feeding schedule paper. So, they say all you need is this, and it requires no other additives or anything like that. My babes are 4 weeks old tomorrow, and so far I'm am very happy with what FOOP is doing to my babies.
Since, this is only Week 1 seedlings, I fed them 1 time. I followed their guidelines for Week 1 seedling, and the first week they just sprouted right up.
I unfortunately do not have near as many pictures of them as I wish I would. Also, right now they are on a 24 hours light schedule, this is because they are so young, I want them warm and just soaking up everything they can to get strong and grow well.
Confession time, I struggle with my mental health ALOT, LIKE A TON. So, I go threw times where it's hard for me to do daily life, so I'm really really committing to picturing and writing out my grow diaries. HELP ME STAY FOCUSED PEOPLE!
Any who, much love to the human race to everyone's beautiful green ladies!