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Attack of the clones - TrainWreck

4 years ago
Mars Light Emitting Diodes/600W
Room Type
weeks 4, 7-8
weeks 7
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Week 1. Vegetation
4 years ago
10 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
112 cm
Nutrients 4
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1 mll
Howdy howdy howdy, What's good peeps!? Iv got some spare time these days so I figured I'd document my fun farm for anyone that wants to follow along 🤷‍♂️😎 Week 1 is nothing special. Took 8 trainwreck clones 6 days ago from 2 separate mums that are about to be flipped to 12/12 (4 from each). After 6 days they still look perfect so I'm hopeful all 8 will root nicely🤞🏻 Nothing special in how I took the clones. Cut, scrape, clonex dip then straight into tiny rock wool cubes. I'm a cheap cunt so I'm using 1l bottles as humidity domes, they work fantastically if you are wondering 😎👌🏻 You can see in the video the 2 mums they came from. I won't be doing a diary on them but I'll probably post pics of them here n there if people want to see how they are going 🤷‍♂️ Anyway, that's about all there is to say about it all atm. Tune in every Friday for my fun farm updates Or stop by the NO.1 cannabis channel on SENSE.CHAT 💚💚CannaChat💚💚 for some more dopey content by yours truly Double_oh 😁✌️🏻💚
Week 2. Vegetation
4 years ago
10 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
112 cm
Nutrients 4
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 1 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 1 mll
Hey everyone 👋 Back again for a week 2 update. Still not much to report really. The clones all seem to be rooting nicely. A few are yellowing on the leaves. But that's to be expected with very little nutes given to them. (very very small amount to avoid stress or nute burn) Other than the few yellow leaves they are all still very perky looking so that's a definite positive. All in all things are looking on track 👌🏻 If any pros ever see me doing dumb shit with my grow feel free to point it out and give any advice. Any feedback is great. Always room to learn right!? Oh, and the music over the vid is me. I was bored last week and recorded for the first time in yrs. Figured my vids could use some original music over them 😂. Sorry if it's painful to listen to 🤣🤣 As always, I'll see U all next week ✌️🏻&💚 From the CannaChat team. SenseChats NO.1 cannabis channel Double_oh
Week 3. Vegetation
4 years ago
12 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
110 cm
Hey everyone! Still nothing really exciting to report. Good news is all clones are still alive and kicking. Some better than others 😂 All the girls ended up having a small issue. Found the problem though. My ph pen needed to be recalibrated. Turns out they were getting watered with 6.8ph, not 5.8 like my pen was displaying 🤦‍♂️ My fault for not recalibrating more often. Been watered twice this week with the correct pH.all seems to be on the mend 👌🏻 Just a Lil crispy and rusty here and there. 😂 Ill wait another week b4 giving another very light feed. That about sums another uneventful week up. I'll be back next week, hopefully with all my ladies still alive 😂 Till next time, Keep it cheesy cunnys ✌️🏻💚
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
15 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
110 cm
Hey o 👋🏻 Another week down. Clones are kicking along great. Just been feeding with plain PH'd tap water. I'm planning on topping them in the morning buuuuut other then that nothing special to report still 🤷‍♂️. The first few weeks of this diary has been pretty boring hasn't it 💤😴🤣 sorry guys Just for fun iv added a few pics of the clones mums in flower. Untill next time, Keep it cheesy cunnys ✌️🏻💚
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Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
17 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
110 cm
Merry Christmas fellow stoners 🎄🎁✌️🏻💚 Week 5 update was a little late due to the holidays. Anyway, The clones have picked up nicely this week. Very happy that all 8 pulled trough and are off to a great start 👌🏻 some better than others but I'm still happy enough with the results 🤷‍♂️ This week they all got topped and had a few sad leaves removed. Also started the vegetative phase 1 feeding schedule (see pic of Canna grow guide) Been feeding Alot less frequently than I should. Trying to keep soil as dry as possible between watering due to a persistent gnat issue (I have lots of gardens outside so I can only assume thats the source 🤷‍♂️) they aren't so much an issue for my plants. Not that many. Just pisses me off seeing them buzz about 🤣 Iv included a few pics of the clones mums in flower. They are coming along great 👌🏻🎉🎊 Other than that nothing else to report really. Sooooo untill next time, Keep it cheesy cunnys ✌️🏻 💚
1 like
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
19 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
110 cm
Attention fellow potheads and crypto enthusiasts! If you're into getting paid in crypto to post your weed pics and chat shit boy do I have the plug ull love. Ever heard of Sense Chat? No? Let me tell you about it then. It's a social chat style app, similar to what's app. Except you earn crypto just by being active. Talk and post pictures and receive "likes" or as we call em "pumps" of sense. The app is still in closed beta. But will be live soon. So jump on in and earn sense while you can. Once the app goes live you will be able to withdraw ur earnings and sell them on an exchange or hodl for life. Sense token is currently listed on a few exchanges and more are soon to follow. And most importantly, there is fuck all stoners on there. Im lonely 🤣 So what's to lose. Come & join me on Sense Chat & let's make some $SENSE together ✌️🏻💚 Sign up to Sense Chat with this link 👇 Invite code: VCGJ2QY (not sure if it's needed 🤷‍♂️ invites have only just gone live) Then join CannaChat with this link 👇 Now onto the Grow update Another uneventful week done and dusted. Everything is still going good.. So far 😅 Only being fed plain water this week. Planing on putting the two biggest clones into flower this week. Even though they are still rather small 🤷‍♂️. I'm used to doing much longer veg periods so it feels strange putting such small plants into flower, buuuut since I'm just starting my perpetual grow for 2021 I'm still getting everything in order for a harvest every 4 to 6 weeks. So it is what it is 🤷‍♂️ I'll be tying all the clones down horizontally with just a little LST this week, but other than that I don't plan on doing much else exciting. As for my overall plan, Ill be vegging 4 of the clones for another 4weeks to get them to a decent size b4 flipping to flower. The remaining 2 clones I'll be keeping as mums for the remainder of the Grow and will be taking cuttings from them every 4 weeks. So at all times this yr I'll have some plants starting flower while some are finishing off. Well, that's the plan anyway... Fingers crossed my plan dosnt derail and turn into a complete train wreck.. 🤣 🤣 🤣 I guess that about sums up my dribbling for another week. Hopefully that all makes some sense 😅. So as usual, Keep it cheesy cunnys ✌️🏻 💚
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
20 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
110 cm
Nutrients 4
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 46 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 46 mll
High everyone 👋🏻 Back again for another Friday update. Not much exciting stuff going on this week. Ended up giving the clones a feed with some nutes (same as previous nute feed, see attached canna feed guide pic) I was planning on putting a few into flower this week, but I think I'll go another week or two before flip. I can't bring myself to flowering such tiny plants 🤣 The mums are starting to get nice n frosty now. They should start to fatten up over the coming few weeks 😝 It smells absolutely amazing in the room now. I can't wait to try the smoke once ready 🤤. (iv attached some more mum pics just to give ya somthing enjoyable to look at 😁👌🏻 And now for some shameless self promotion 🤭 Attention fellow potheads and crypto enthusiasts! If you're into getting paid in crypto to post your weed pics and chat shit boy do I have the plug ull love. Ever heard of Sense Chat? No? Let me tell you about it then. It's a social chat style app, similar to what's app. Except you earn crypto just by being active. Talk and post pictures and receive "likes" or as we call em "pumps" of sense. The app is still in closed beta. But will be live soon. So jump on in and earn sense while you can. Once the app goes live you will be able to withdraw ur earnings and sell them on an exchange or hodl for life. Sense token is currently listed on a few exchanges and more are soon to follow. And most importantly, there is fuck all stoners on there. Im lonely 🤣 So what's to lose. Come & join me on Sense Chat & let's make some $SENSE together ✌️🏻💚 Sign up to Sense Chat with this link 👇 Invite code: VCGJ2QY (invites have only just gone live) sign up and start earning now 🤙 Then join CannaChat with this link 👇
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
4 years ago
22 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
90 cm
Nutrients 4
CANNA Coco A - Canna
CANNA Coco A 46 mll
CANNA Coco B - Canna
CANNA Coco B 46 mll
Hey o 👋🏻 Another week over and done with... Yay! 🎉🎊 This week all the clones finally started to have a real growth burst 💪 So now all are at a decent enough size to do the 12/12 flip. Iv picked 6 to start flower and 2 have been left to be mums for the rest of the year. Both are trainwreck (obviously) , but from different seeds. So I plan on keeping one of each Untill I get a good taste of the upcoming crop 😋 Not much excitement this week though. Just one feed the same as last week. Looking at them they do look like they could go with a tiny bit of a stronger feed next time. Looking a little nitrogen deprived 🤷‍♂️ nothing to bad though so that'll be easy fixed this week 👌🏻 Plan on doing a nice flush with some 5.8ph water then follow up with a good feed. Clear out all the built up crap and give a nice clean start to flower 🤞🏻 and hopefully fix up my nitrogen issue in the process. Other then that nothing else exciting going on to report. Iv attached some pics of the previous mums again just for something exciting to look at 😉 And with that said and done. Untill next time, happy growing cunnys! double_oh_woo ✌️🏻💚
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
22 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
No Smell
44 %
25 °C
23 °C
90 cm
Hey o 👋🏻 Back again... So, last week I flipped 6 of the clones to flower. All seems to be right on track with them. All have started out nicely 👌🏻 Still feels strange flowering such tiny plants though, hopefully they turn out OK 🤷‍♂️ What I thought last week was a nitrogen deficiency, I'm 99% sure now was actually a nitrogen toxicity issue I'd barely missed making worse 🤞🏻 On closer inspection I think they were all far too dark and some spots getting that waxy type look. I think the light green coming through was the new healthy shoots 🤷‍♂️ So far this week after a good flush and nice plain 5.8 pH water everything seems to of picked up in growth a decent amount. Anyway, I guess only time will tell if I diagnosed this problem properly or not 😬🤞🏻 The two mum I separated from this group are also booming along quite nicely. Should be ready to take a few round 2 clones from them throughout the week. So far my perpetual grow is off to a bit of a wonky start. But only out by a few weeks 🤣 so it's better then a complete failure, so I'm happy 😁 (Also I'll add the pics I took this time look much brighter then last week because I used my phone torch to brighten shit up. Last week's photos come out darker then the plants actually are and this weeks photos are brighter then they look in person.) I need to keep working on my photography skills 🤣 And that's about everything for this week. So on that note... Keep it cheesy cunnys, Double_oh✌️🏻💚
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Ferenccommentedweek 24 years ago
Happy Growing! @Double_Oh
Ferenccommented4 years ago
Double_Ohcommented4 years ago
@Ferenc, 🤣 iv got a family full of oinks. So I'm aloud to say this. I aint afraid of no ghosts... Sorry, wrong quote. Wats the saying I'm looking for 🤔.... Oh yeah, I memba, F#!K tha police 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ferenccommented4 years ago
@Double_Oh, Yes, nervous about police 🤣🤣🤣
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DreamOncommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
Double_Ohcommented4 years ago
@DreamOn, cheers buddy. Need all the luck I can get with this one. Starting a perpetual grow for 2021 . Planning on a harvest every 4 to 8 weeks. I say 8 weeks to allow some wiggle room, coz U know, things love not going to plan 🤣 ✌️🏻
Smokwiricommentedweek 84 years ago
Stopped by today, looked at the pics, your plant gives me a smile on my face 👌💪
Double_Ohcommented4 years ago
@Smokwiri, 🤣 cheers buddy! They make me smile too. Nothing better than a room full of stinky bi#*he's right 👌🏻🤣 ✌️🏻💚
CachimboDaPazcommentedweek 54 years ago
great mother :D you have been doing a great job buddy
Double_Ohcommented4 years ago
@CachimboDaPaz, thanks. A few of the clones are going a bit slower then I would like. But they are all alive and looking healthy so I'll take that win 🤣
Kim_Jong_Highcommentedweek 84 years ago
Looking delicious!!! Good to know I've got this to look forward to 😁
DoDrugs420commentedweek 94 years ago
Gotta love that TrainWreck.
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