Now they are almost same height. 46 cm between 52 cm.
I organize my led lights and i give them little attention. i add them soil bat powder but i give plain water. ( Just ph down to 5.9 )
I have to write here, i m spreying them some times with plain water or adding firtilazing water and checking evry day them soil, when its gonna dry then i am giving water.
They smell still weak but i feel they are gona be start smelling.
One of them is different i think. it body type different and leaf's is biger then other's.
When i start to germinate it was almost die but i take care abot it and it come back to life, but that plant scare me if it male .
My all seed was feminazed but maybe ?? İ dont know, i am keeping my eyes one it.
I share some picture about it and i need yours opinion.
If it male i have to terminate it. :(