Freshly transplanted with 3 other girls in this small 2x4 tent. (Lemon Thai, Green Crack & Northern Lights)
Kept them in the 1 gal for a little longer than I would've liked but they seem to have adjusted fine to their new home.
Few lessons learned from my first run of new living soil mix. Will see how I do this run!
11dec UPDATE 1: AGAIN! Out of 4 varieties in this tent, 2 are showing early signs of deficiency showing. This varietal showing the worst of symptoms and at a much earlier stage in its life. Calcium is my best guess. Two of my current flowering plants (see other journal) showing the same deficiency, all different strains. So out of 7x10 gal pots, 4 are showing deficiency. I may supplement with a top dress down the road but also keeping my mind also on Mulder's Chart and the effect offsetting any nutrient ratios.
12dec UPDATE 2: I've opted to go for short term solution in form of WCA (KNF input). As I'm led to believe being the first run in the mix, the slow release Calcium sources had not gone through its process yet. See how it goes! Learning lots so far.