Hey man, looking good (not that I know loads) but I'm growing same strain and seems pretty hardy, mine got a bit of nutrient burn near your size but bounced back and now booming. Good luck with the grow mate
@Guitarman94, hey dude thought I'd replied. My bad. I have got some sumo boost that I'm about to start using it's fairly pricy but from what I've read it's twice as good as most and the test of the shogun range has been great so far. Iv got a few updates to do but she's had a huge growth burst lately.
@Guitarman94, No worries and thanks man, they had some abuse last night lol bit of bending and defoliation, I'll put pics up later. Yeah I have the shogun series so going to use the sumo boost, dragon force and the pk warrior as per the chart. Iv been looking at the advanced nutrients overdrive and flora as Iv read and seen good results but I'm also tempted to just use shogun as so far it's been awesome stuff.
@Keyton, thanks for the comment bro yours is looking really good lots of lush green foliage i dont know a whole lot myself only successfully grown about 3 times outdoors. Do you plan on using a bud booster when u start to flower your blue Cindy
That's looking happy lively and healthy dude. Think mine got a little nutrient burn at that point but had no issues since you planning on topping/repotting?