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Buenos humos a todos!!!
Aquí estamos nuevamente a principios de un cultivo de exterior, primera vez cultivando ambos bancos!!!! Por el momento todo bien, el clima no es el mejor por lo que las primeras semanas las tendré bajo un árbol donde le llega luz directa y semi-sombra (quien diga que el calentamiento global es mentira es porque es de un país rico o esta ciego). Están trasplantadas en sustrato light mix de plagron, ocupé micorryzas de marca nacional (5gr x 11lt de sustrato) y deeper underground de top crop en esta primera semana en un solo riego de 250ml para las tres plantulas junto con un par de riegos foliares para mantener humedad. La idea es mantener un cultivo lo más orgánico posible ocupando la gama de top crop, biobizz y cannabiogen en nutrientes, siendo plagron en sustrato.
Germinación: 24/11/20 - 26/11/20
última foto es del séptimo día, no es su semana inicial pero me gusta partir contando desde que son plántulas y no con el primer par de hojas reales.
Intentaré ir actualizando todos los martes para no perder constancia.
Salud, amor y rebeldía!
PD: Me da pereza hacer la traducción yo, así que va google translate corrigiendo a la rapida :3
Good smoke everyone !!!
Here we are again at the beginning of an outdoor grow, first time with both banks !!!! At the moment everything is fine, the climate is not the best so the first weeks I will have them under a tree where direct light and semi-shade reaches it (whoever says that global warming is a lie is because hi's from a rich country and/or his blind). They are transplanted in plagron light mix soil, I used national brand micorryzas (5 gr x 1 lt of soil) and deep underground of top crop in this first week in a single irrigation of 250ml for the three seedlings together with a couple of foliar irrigations to maintain humidity. The idea is to grow as organic as possible, using, biobizz and cannabiogen in nutrients n plagron soil.
Germination: 11/24/20 - 11/26/20
Last photo is from the seventh day, it is not its initial week but I like to start counting from when they are seedlings and not with the first pair of real leaves.
I will try to update every Tuesday so as not to lose consistency.
PS: I am lazy to do the translation myself, so google translate gonna do all the work :3
Health, love and rebellion!
Buenos humos a todos!!!
Empezamos la primera semana de vegetación para las bbs!!! No tuve tiempo de sacarles fotos en a última semana de germinación, pero no se perdieron de mucho tampoco.
Hice un primer trasplante prematuro a maceta de 11 lt (10/12/20) para corroborar la teoría de los trasplantes progresivos v/s maceteros grandes de golpe y por miedo a que empezaran a florecer pronto, cosa que ya me enteré no será así :/ por suerte dejé una en su maceta previa para hacer la comparación 😌
Empecé a ocupar en dosis bajas fish-mix de biobizz para evitar carencias y estimular el crecimiento junto con deeper underground de top crop, las micorryzas van directo a tierra. El clima sigue siendo una mierda a ratos, por suerte tengo algo de sombra para hacerlo mas ameno en estas tan delicadas y aburridas semanas
Hasta el martes que viene :)
Salud, amor y rebeldía!😸
Good smoke everyone !!!
We started the first week of vegetation for the bbs !!! I didn't have time to take photos of them in the last week of germination, but they didn't miss much either.
I did a first premature transplant (10/12/20) to a 11 lt pot to corroborate the theory of progressive transplants vs. large pots all at once and for fear that they would start to bloom soon, which I already found out will not be the case: / luckily I left one in your previous pot to make the comparison 😌
I started using biobizz fish-mix in low doses to avoid deficiencies and stimulate growth along with a deeper underground top crop, the micro-fry go straight to the ground. The weather is still shit at times, luckily I have some shade to make it more enjoyable in these delicate and boring weeks
Until next Tuesday :)
Health, love and rebellion! 😸
Very pleased with psicodelicia, really strong n stable grow. Made Fiming with a bit of luck cause always got me apical.
Tangie going on great except that colour in the lower leafs :( thing that could be that i use deeper underground till that week, so i let her be hehe.
3lt psicodelicia stay normal cause i want to try at the sime amount of nodes.
Still use deeper underground with the decapitated one's for stress:S
Peace, love n rebelion :3
Shiit, working on new years eve, 2cnd january with a new 7x7 days at work :(((
being so lazy n shitty, so the diaries will be that way till like 7th week (that is when im writting this), just have to take more pics n i will update that shit cause im getting another job and plants r going into preflower.
Peace, love n rebelion!
Me da pereza hacer este diario en ingles, asi q estara en español cualquier cosa el botón de traducir está abajo ;)
Primeros pistilos en aparecer!
Trasplante finalmente a PSI#1 a maceta de 11 lt y realice poda apical, repitiendo lo ultimo para la PSI#2. Asimismo, hice defoliacion en pequeña en Tangie Xl y aplique primera dosis de Delta 9 foliar a medida q disminuyo fish mix.
PSI#2 muestra una increible resistencia a la poda y al extremo calor,mientras q PSI#2 resistió bastante bien el trasplante (su pan de raizes era hermoso!), pero sumado al stress de la poda y el extremo calor se deprimió un poco xc.
Si bien tangie se mostró muy sensible al extremo calor en un principio (cosa que me sorprendió de una variedad tangie) una vez ha crecido a soportado bastante bien todo tipo de stress. Lo único que le resto a diferencia de Psicodelicia es q muestra un menor espacio internodal.
Alturas y nodos (contando ramas satelites)
PSI1 (estuvo mayor tiempo en maceta de 3lt sin podas): 36 cm. 22 nodos en total (9 apicales) Espacio aorox entre nodos: 1-2 cm
PSI2: Trasplante temprano y podas: 40cm. nodos 40 en total (9 apicales). Espacio aprox de nodos:4-5cm.
Tangie XL (trasplante temprano,sin podas): 59 cm. 24 nodos en total (10 apicales). Espacio aprox entre nodos: 2-6cm.
Good smoke to everyone!
Here we r at the so exciting flowering stage :3 babes have a beautiful grow at preflower n the stress was very usefull with succsesfull results! Anyway, gonna try picks talk 4 me :)
I stop using deeper underfround cause stress time was over n i started to use top blom n microbacterias (idk how to translate that) from a local "brand" (a scientific colective more than a brand). Last ones can be called enzymes, but they really are more similar to wath u find in a living soil. The results r amazing, they work making nutrients more accesible for the plant n seence i've been doing that thing gots greener😖💕
Kinda stone on amnesia right now so excuse my tipping hahhaa.
Peace, love n rebellion!
Preflower ends n now start real flowering :3
Little bit of smell, only when y shake them to seek for plagues (no one so far!)
+10 days after second delta 9 time but i forgott to use it the last week, so i decided to make folia in almost night n the next day normal with the other nutrients.
Thanks to climate warming baes r drinking a looooooooot, i watered with 1,5-2lt in like 2-3 days the most. I preffer to make small but frecuenly watering but i have no choice now :/
Topping n fiming was such a good idea, i guess that psico#2 is gonna gave me more grs than #1. Same with tangie but she dosent resist the extreme heat wave.
Thats all folks! As always,
Peace, love n rebelion!
@DreamOn, thanks u 4 so much! fun fact: when i was in highschool people use to bully me cause i have a really big mouth n they call me Steven Tyler haha, now i love my mouth so its kinda funny.
@Sweet_Seeds, Wow thank to u guys!!! once i smoke cream caramel n a friend used to grow cream mandarine, i remember so much fun with those strain 😁 so im very excited about this grow.
Peace n good smoke