Bit of lst and defoliate only leaves that cover lower growth.. first sign of flower at the end of the week (nice little pistil)
No nutrient added only water.
Because I have another girl in the same tent and she's a photoperiod i need to switch to 12/12. I thinkthat 46w in 12/12 for 2 plant will be not enough so I bought a Cosmorrow LED 20w for Blooming
Total lights wattage now : 66w
Bro it’s wayyy too early to start flushing, you are 5 five weeks from cut so flushing is in 3 weeks 💚
PS: bud will get bigger and denser if you wait enough itll be worth it
@Docteur_8, Yea I know, i think that I have nutrient burnt signs on some leaves and that's why i'm flushing.. otherwise thank's for the advises I'll do that your way !
Merci Doc
@Docteur_8, Already want to upgrade to anything bigger but that's really cool for micro grow or solo cups.. Thanks a lot mate wish you also the best ✌️🏼🌱