Day 78 - all ok, extended yellowing at this point but there are only a few days left before harvesting, especially for the left one, whose hair are almost all brown.
Day 79 - Ok
Day 80 - Ok
Day 81 - Ok, I'll harvest the first few buds from the left plant later today or tomorrow.
Day 82 - Ok
Day 83 - I looked at trychomes and hair more closely and they're not quite ready yet, a few more days for the left plant, I suppose a full week for the right one.
Day 84 - Weeell, I couldn't wait and harvested the top ones from the left plant, for a total of 60 grams, wet.
@Astra, judging from the buds I'd say the top ones will need at least 7-10 more days. I'll harvest them first and leave the bottom ones a few days more.
I took a look at yours and it looks she'll need even a bit more than mine :)
I'll start posting close-ups of some buds once they seem almost ready so you'll be able to check them out!