A Big Greenfingeress Welcome 😊
My Hesi boys are streching like mad I cannot belive the difference in my plants on how strong and green they now are (my whole tent)
My lights, My nutrients or just good old Weed Seed express top strains but I've certainly grown myself.😂
I always use rain water I belive it's the best by far and now ive changed from HID to LED theres alot less heat so im watering less its roughly everyother day using Hesi nutrients everyother feed.
I don't have a run off as i prefer my plants to be looking for feed rather than sitting in it?
The growth in my growing skills are amazing aswell as my enjoyment so id like to thank everyone for their support as i appricate it more than you know💚
Thanks for reading 📚 Keep Safe
Greenfingeress 💚