Struggling with night time temps down to 9c - 10c at night ouch they are in an outhouse 22c in the day.
Plants still look ok and growing steaily, but maybe a bit small at this stage, some are now flowering.
Increasing light cycle to 18 on 6 off from tonight on. this will help keep them warm for longer and hopefully get more growth.
Been unable to water for ages now small plants in a big pot dont seem to use much water waiting for a tiny bit of wilt, moisture meter says still damp not watered for 10 days now.
hey man, I was a bit worried you had an unstable genetics plant, but it seems okay. i'm seeing white poc marks on the lower branches, this could be a pest problem and causing shock and stunted growth. you want to add bacilus thuriengiensis to manage the outbreak. The rest actually looks fine although you probably want to keep some cal mag on hand and next time use it throughout the grow. you can get away with most things but not not adding cal mag. keep up the good work growmie 👊
@Beastmaster, see you always want three things for canna : NPK, calmag and an additive, right now you have two out of three. you'll see a pretty spectacular difference, i'm sure 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks for the look. I will check it very carefully for any critters, and get some cal mag and research what it does not used it before, but had the little marks before on other plants thought it may have been a deficiency. I only really use vega flores and boost, so could add some more products to my nute lineup. Have a good day man, and thanks again for the advice.