Harvesting stout girl for sure this weekend. Letting her run for one more week really brought out some more colors. She’s eclipsed now by the tall one. Good shit. Rank with a sweet fruity smell. Works out anyways because the Samsquanch is taking up space in the drying tent. Love the Black Dog, think she will do better in a 3x3 working with 4 plants. Picked up the ChilLed 65w so excited to combine that with the 30w uva from HLG and run it in this BudBox next. Next auto is going to be RocBud’s Kong’s Breath. Picked it up after I saw a couple RocBud diaries on here. Fucking beautiful very much looking forward to it.
@MrKen, And I will be lol haha. Live checking these ladies and seeing better and better grow. I can always learn this way even when I don't grow 👊😈
Thanks mate nice words!
Hey! Looking good! What do you mean by "Full Spectrum"? It's typically just a marketing gimmick word that means many different things so I'm interested to hear what you mean by saying that. The Black Dog lights have 9 different colors of LED covering beyond PAR (400 - 700nm). It also has ACTUAL UV and IR lights not just a miniscule .008 of UV bleed off from LED's that are close to it like deep blue. Hell, someone could claim an incandescent bulb has enough bleed off into UV to claim that it's Full Spectrum. No other light that I have researched actually have as much of a complete "Full Spectrum" as Black Dog.
@Bruce_Leroy1, agree that’s a gimmick. Go look at my other diaries and you will see what I mean. You seem to be misunderstanding. I’m comparing the chips used to create the spectrum. My BlackDog vs my Migro in this comment.