Week 2 (1/17-1/23)
Day 9 (1/18)
Ladies are doing good. Gave them a big drink this morning, about 1/4 gal each (except for my 2 gal pot w/ Roc's Auto Mix) and avoided runoff. Gave them some Cal-Mag and Roots Excelurator.
Day 11 (1/20)
Girls are doing good. Need to get LST started in the next few days
Day 12 (1/21)
Watered them down this morning, well except the small pot with Roc's Auto Mix. That one stays moist longer than the others for some reason. I noticed my white widow was starting to yellow a bit between veins, so I assume a magnesium deficiency. When I watered her, I bumped up the Cal-Mag a bit (2 mL/gal). I started LST on the Roc's Auto and the white widow. The other two are still pretty short and it made me nervous to try. I'll give them another few days. I also might move them into the big tent and hope that the reds in the QB96 can get them to stretch a little so I can work with them.
Day 14 (1/23)
The ladies are doing good. I finally got a new humidifier, as the one I had required a filter to run and they only last about 2 months. I got an ultrasonic one from a thrift store for less than what a new filter would have cost me. It's working out just great. The white widow really shot up a bit, I think she's gonna be a gangly one. I started LST on the dos si dos and the gg#4. I'm going to really try and work on my LST technique this go around. They'll be ready for water tomorrow.
Might I suggest a fulvic/humic/seaweed supplement just a ml or two per gallon. It should help keep things soluble. And definitely check your ph pens calibration.
Good luck!