Yeah so... I may have bought Mud.
This girl is going to have a lot of work to do to get roots down.
I've ploughed the soil with a kebab skewer to try and help her breath and root in. I had considered re potting her but figured it was both an experimental and learning opportunity, so I'm just going to ride this one out
Salut à toi, j ai déjà planté de la banner en extérieur dans un sol lourd il ne faut pas hésiter à lui donner plus de temps pour le développement des racines mais si tu t aperçois que ton plant c'est bien installé, n'hésite pas à lui couper l apex et utiliser le low stress training, elle réagit vraiment bien. Je te laisse jeter un coup d œil à ma culture extérieur de l année dernière principalement de la banner. @++
@O_GrowTom, thanks Tom, I checked out your banner girls nice little Haul that you had there.
good look with future grows and don't let the paranoia get to you