I did a do some improvements imo with the LST on the Royal Cheese aswell as on the White Widow which im proud of.
The Royal Cheese flipped into preflowering about 4 Days Ago.
I adjusted the Lights now aswell, i was being very inefficient before and i was not using about 30-40% of the Light which was avaiable. :)
I did some changes through those Pictures LST, adjusting Lights and adjusting the Smart Pots.
-Date:18.03.2017 - Royal Cheese Day 47 & White Widow Day 37 -
Im mainting the LST every time i feel like there is something i could do and she is growing nicely. Im Happy with her!
Date:24:03.2017 - White Widow Day 43 -
@Longhunter, Thanks for the Information Buddy. I knew that with the Mold but am not worried about it yet since she is still quiet small and the aircirculation is pretty good in there. :)
Happy Grow's Mate!
@GrowMyOwn, No comment on humidity levels, to each their own. :) But, plants can only move water from roots, through stems, through leaves, and out pores. One direction, and the "pull" must always be greater from the outside, or, less water in the air than in the rest of the system. If RH is 100%, plants are unable to move water no matter how wide they dilate their pores. For science buddy ;) happy grows. Also, Confucius say high RH and mold are good bedfellows.