No negative effects noticeable from switching to white vinegar for PH down.
Found that the water raised up in ph a day after applying it. Not doing it any more if it fluctuates like that.
Contacted Nature's Living Soil and they said that the acid based ph down will not kill the microbes in the soil. Using the original ph down again.
@Thundrfuk, I have had nothing but good luck from germination with this one. She doesn't seem to be phased by anything. Extremely resilient. Dense buds, thick as mini footballs.
Olá companheiro de cultivo, desde já boa Sorte com os cultivos das nossas adoráveis flores 🌱🍀🌲, eu costumo baixar o pH da água sempre com umas gotas de vinagre de maçã bio ou umas gotas de limão e nunca tive problemas! É natural não faz mal😊✌️