This week was all about letting them do what they want to, grow like hell and they started blooming period aswell <3
Made some clear pics while i was checking them for problems... Think they turn out pretty nice.
In the meanwhile i also got a hortinet over it but i diden't had any time to make pictures of it.... Also the nutrient tab isen't really accurate this week. No time for anything :p.
Tomorrow i will defoilate them, but for now they grow well i suppose.
@Snaak, I'm from the Netherlands / Holland in Europe, jij ook geloof ik, als je vragen hebt kun je ze altijd even stellen, ook via de chat, ik zal je straks alvast een berichtje sturen.
Nice plants Snaak! I dont know if its the pictures, but the plants might be a little too dark green, i would pay attention for more signs of Nitrogen toxicity, if they have any problem more signs will show.Article here about the signs:
I dont want you to worry as they look great but just keep an eye out ;)
Nice to meet you Dutchy :p
Naah us canadian's may have taken one right step but they've done a pretty poor job of legalizing...IMHO.
The legislation in place is ridiculous still... but it is legal so i wont complain toooo much :p
@Cariboo_OG, Oh man, i should really emigrate to Canada... Everything seems better there. Dutchy right here. The founding fathers of growers...... But you as a Canadian have already surpassed us in a beautiful way by legalizing it! Way more
I'm from the interior of B.C. Canada ! what about yourself growmie ?
This is a wonderful platform to easily track your grows, im glad you joined the party.
@Snaak, I'm from the Netherlands / Holland in Europe, jij ook geloof ik, als je vragen hebt kun je ze altijd even stellen, ook via de chat, ik zal je straks alvast een berichtje sturen.
Last two weeks i hardly had any time to update. My business is booming in scaffolding at the moment so all my time is going there... Will post soon with new pictures
Snaak! We miss you!
Have you found your plants to be sensitive to nitrogen when they start flowering? Because all my C.O.P's had a bit clawing on the new growth near the budsites. Did it happen to yours? Looking forward from hearing from you!
Good luck snaak! As u could see from my grow ph is really important xP I bet yours isnt far off, nor the ppms! Ive started another seed, lets see how it goes! Looking forward to ur next weeks update!
Looking great bro ^^ Kinda risky to top an auto twice, but they seem to be handling it nicely! Looking forward in seeing the diference between the toped ones and the untrained one ^^
Have a great week!