Blimburn Seeds's Green Crack (GC) is by far my favorite of the 3 types of GC that I tried. This diary is capturing April to September 2020 in two "weeks", since I just want to show what happened last season. No time to retroactively document week by week, according to photos.
Blimburn's Green Crack was not difficult to grow, and there were no issues with disease or insects. These girls were grown in soil with a south-west exposure, and little to no shade for most of the day. The summer temps were quite hot, and I wonder if the black fabric pots heated up the roots excessively. The yields were lower than expect, but the bud quality is amazing.
Blimburn Green Crack is my strain of choice going forward. Every time I have it with friends, they all say "I want to grow that!". I spent many seasons trying to find a strain that would produce these effects consistently. I'm going to try a couple of other Blimburn strains over the next couple of seasons, including Blue Dream and Tangie. However, Blimburn GC will be grown from now on, every season, without fail. It's just that good!