I had a humidity issue sometime, for a day or two with odd weather here, so the one on the left kind of got a little crisp and burnt, but i have brought the humidity back up and monitoring it now, and seems to be okay now, i think i just got it at the right time before it could do big damage. Probably a week left at best.
High nice grow my freind could I ask when you cut the main fan leaves off your plant cause I'm thinking of doin the same to let light penetrate the lower sites thanks😊
High nice grow my freind could I ask when you cut the main fan leaves off your plant cause I'm thinking of doin the same to let light penetrate the lower sites thanks😊
@EliteGrower, Thanks Elite, I started trimming around week 5 - 6, just before the first white pistils started to show, and continued doing that every few days or so. Took off any leaves also that were growing inward too.