Na última semana os pistilos começaram a ficar alaranjados, os buds engordaram pouco, espero que nos próximos dias eles finalizem bem gordos!
Darei a ela fertilizante por mais uma semana e depois flush por outra semana, creio que daqui uns 20-25 dias estarei colhendo!
Olá meus queridos colegas de growing!
21 days of flowering question:
- Do I need to defoliate it?
- How many and where?
- Just the top leaves that make shadow on low branches?
- Just the low leaves? (I'll do a lollipop as well)
No. Please do not defoliate especially when you have such a nice canopy. That is one great scrog job there my friend. Cannabis plants have evolved over thousands of years to grow their biggest and best buds in order to attract male pollen and reproduce if she would benefit by having her leaves stripped she would of evolved to strip them herself every health leaf you remove is taking away a surface area of energy your plant could be using to bulk up your buds even more. Best advice ? Tuck the leaves out the way bend them back move them but only at worst case do you chop them I only ever chop a leaf if there is no other option and its blocking bud sites thats the only justified reason i can think of.
45 days of flowering, is it a bad yellowing or it's normal for this phase? Always did 1ml/L of biogrow, I think I'll put 2ml/L till flush. It's nitrogen, right?
Its normal in late flowering that leaves are tuning yellow. Plant are useing Nitrgoen from leaves at this stage and its totaly normal. 😊
They look amazinf, you have done a pritty good job right there mate😎🙌
@Megawatts, obrigado hermano! Eu estou apaixonado também, cada dia que passa fica mais bonito e o cheiro tá começando a exalar, isso que eu tenho um filtro dos grandes 😅
@Growin_it, obrigado cara! Eu fiz esse Scrog com as distancias curtas, no início pareceu errado e eu não sabia o que estava fazendo, mas olhando agora estou surpreso com o que está se tornando.
@Grow3rPT, valeu mesmo! Que suas palavras se realizem, pois estou louco para ver o final dessa colheita!
Com toda certeza passarei lá e deixarei um alô, abraços e se cuida