Good luck with your crop! Check my diaries, very similar to yours. I am curious about how many direct and indirect hours of sunlight do your plants get. (I am also growing outdoor in Spain)
Good luck with your crop! Check my diaries, very similar to yours. I am curious about how many direct and indirect hours of sunlight do your plants get. (I am also growing outdoor in Spain)
@lacko, Hey, funny how we´re both in Valencia, so you know what the weather is like. During the day as soon as I wake up I take them outside to the balcony where they get indirect light (morning - 1 PM) and direct light ( 1PM - 7PM). And for the night, I keep them in a closet with a fan and lights (150w CFL warm light + 75w LED full spectrum). The temperature is between 19 and 23 celsius. I don't give them any rest they are on 24/0 schedule.
@BalconyWiTCH, hey there! your weeds are nice! mine are stuck and a bit small, i think i started too early and they did not get enough warm outside . i am in valencia.
for the nights i bought a mini green house for them (invernadero) what i am heating with "estufa de maceta" what i put a candle inside that is on for the whole night, just to maintain the night temperature above 15, and it never goes above 19-20 celsius.
but for now, i think they started to grow again, in spite of the flowering stage.
so in terms of lights, i take them out from the greenhouse at 8 oclock , i dotn care if it is 13 celsius, as on the sun it feels warmer, and they are on direct sun when sun shines from 9 am till 4 pm, when the sun goes the other side of the roof, so that is about only 6-7 hours of direct light on a sunny day , and the rest 3 hours are in-direct light. and the rest is darkness for them :-D but they still alive , small buut growing. lets see what will happen :-D
@chickenskit, hey bro,
apparently works nice, however it is my first grow, so not sure what would# ve happened without them :-D
i read about power roots at royal queens seeds youtoube grow videos. i think it is broadly used.
Bonne chance, comme toi je cultivé en extérieur ou devant ma fenêtre si il fait trop froid. J'habite dans le nord de la France. Le cannabis est une plante vraiment resistante