-Nos encontramos casi en la semana 6.
-El riego se componr de: 5 litros de agua, 2.5ml de calmag y 0.2mg de Big Boom, para ver qué resultados tiene y si sufren las plantas, ya que el Big Boom es mi primer nutriente mineral.
-Defolio algunas hojas grandes que tapaban a los cogollos
@TrickOrTrip, thank you mate! Regarding this strain I just could tell you to keep the humidity as low as you can between the parameters because they are going to grow big buds and they could develop some botrytis, like it happened to me haha. Apart from that it is a very nice strain, maybe I will grow it again
@Tomast2cz, thanks a lot mate but I will wait 2 weeks more or less to harvest them and then other 2 weeks to get the final weight. It is a little too soon to know it now but I will post it whenever I can🤙🏼