Gave her a feed with plagron a+b + green sensation and a couple extra nutes I throw in, calmag (which will be dropping off shortly as they won't need as much) and purpinator which I bought to increase my purple content + trichomes but the purple plants were a bust.
Although on a side note iv grown blue dream 3 times and the last time was stronger than any other grow and all I did was change nutes to plagron and the purpinator.
Gave them a feed and sprayed for spider mites as iv seen them on all my plants. I think alot of them are dead as none of the ones iv seen are moving. I'll give the plant another one over on Sunday morning in the dark to make sure it has full effectiveness.
@Grow3rPT, just chopped not dry yet but guessing about 2.5 ozs from memory it depends how dry I decide to get it. This time I want to get it dry and put it in a mason jar to cure and bring out the natural smell. I over dried my glueberry and it didn't smell very strong.