First clone from seed. Different traits to the seed plant. Seed plant was more indica, this clone more sativa. Set a PB on this one pulling just over 3 pound :)
Pick up some TrueNute Potassium Silicate powder...Give the recommended dosage throughout grow and your stems will be thick and strong enough to support your buds.. looks great though👍
@Rusticbuds, thanks bro. I love this website, only just found out about it. Its a great outlet, been doing this for a while now, feels good to get recognition of fellow growers as those that are low key like me can only impress themselves. Much appreciated bro. Happy growing, your diaries can keep me entertained for days.
@TCH0808, thanks bruz. I never thought I would pull more than a pound a plant when I first started, now I know 3 pound is doable, makes me want to go harder on the next lol
Whaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thats a F..... Gorgeous Happy Plant!!!!!!! Super Well done! 🙌
Beautiful,long buds.great yield mate.
İ'm thinking about new ways to hold and support branches too,i have the same problem.sativas grown in coco become trees and i've had some branches bent very hard because of weight.those sticks seem to be the most logic way to support buds , im doing the same with light holding bars.growing in a tent with desirable size would be much easier for me as branches won't find space to go horizontal,walls will do trick.but there is no tent to cover 2.5 m height. Sticks in the pot or outside,seems to be the only solution
@@@DownUnderNugz, yes man,hps lighting is too hot, closest buds are prone to light is especially a huge pain if the grow proceeds into summer.İ would switch to leds with the same power if they were affordable here...
@HighRoller909, thanks for the compliment mate. Yea its always the challenge in flower when growing trees. You have to get onto the tie ups early as its too difficult late in flower. I just cant get my head around having 20+ sticks in the coco to help support the branches. I ran out of room as can been seen, the biggest buds were actually above the light bars in between the gaps. I was disappointed this happened, as you know its no good being so close to the light source, luckily it's LED. I fear I will have the same problem with the next one. I have always been HPS, this is my first LED and I am loving it. No more heat issues and the entire grow just seems more relaxed with LED. The UFO's do put out a bit of heat though I must say.
Appreciate the comment bro!