Got a humidifier to fix that issue, humidity hovers around 64 now. Temp a little hot, 84.3. Getting a different humidifier to see the difference.
A little worried if im stressing them? They look a little yellow and curdled, but i could be trippin. definitely gonna ask about it.
Had a huge humidity/exhaust malfunction where my exhaust cam undone and didn't vent out for 6hrs. Opened the tent and it was 90 degrees with 90% humidity. Terrible. Hope it didn't stress them out too much and that they recover okay, but holy shit, that tent was WET.
I didn't know it had been so long since I posted pics, but they're coming along really really well. I'm seeing new growth all the time!
one stem is purple. will keep an eye out.
So clearly it's been a minute since I updated this. They're still going strong! Every time I checked this I was shocked at the progress and how long it'd been since I posted updated pictures. Felt the need to correct that. Getting more soil and some CalMag today to help with slow grow issues and some spotting I've been seeing. Transplanting the GG today (didn't plant it in its final pot....oops)