Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

  • Fast Buds Strains Only
  • Plants or Buds must be present in the photo
  • Halloween themed Photos
  • No repeated entries from past years

Fast Buds 420 Halloweed 2023

Shipped by Sponsors
39 Photos participating
a year ago

Get ready to buddify your cannabis plants for our spooktacular contest! Join our 'Fast Buds Halloweed 2023 Contest' and dress up your ganja in ghoulishly creative Halloween styles. It's time to let your inner boo-ganist shine and show off your witchy decorating skills. Who will concoct the most boo-tiful and high-ly creative halloweed themed photos? Enter now and let the frightening foliage fun begin

DO NOT repeat photos from previous years' contests. We want fresh blood... I mean content.... =)

We will be removing entries that do not comply with the stated rules. Fast Buds reserves the right to use any content posted to this contest across our Social Media Networks and website. 



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SlowpokeFuegobudcommenteda year ago
Happy Halloween everyone!! 🎃 🦇 🦇 🦇 💀 My Strawberry Pie has started moving strangely.. 👀 Hope nothing happens to me....
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Death by Pie...
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, happy halloweed my friend <3 <3 <3
GreenThumbedGrowercommenteda year ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, it will be like in Scary Movie where the giant weed plant smokes the guy xD
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TPYRDcommenteda year ago
Really nice image for the contest, would dig that on a hoodie.
Natronacommenteda year ago
@@TPYRD, me too. Women's medium for me if fastbuds is taking orders.
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
Our team had a hard time deciding, so we chose several winners, why not?! Congrats to the following: 1st- @grobot__say10 - everyone loved the creativity here. 2nd- @hash_de_lezo - team appreciated the effort you put in to this! 3rd- @greenharvest_official - we loved that you turned your tent into a halloweed nightmare Honorable Mentions, will receive a slightly reduced prize to the 3rd place: @slowpokefuegobud - the idea behind this was super clever @doughhead, @LAShugars & @m0use - these were some very creepy entries, well done. Thanks to everyone else who entered, see ya next year!
LAShugarscommenteda year ago
@m0use, Thanks so much Growmie!! Congratulattions to you!!!
LAShugarscommenteda year ago
@m0use, Thanks so much Growmie!! Congratulattions to you!!!
GeOMaTTiCcommenteda year ago
@Fast_Buds, Second place effort was appreciated? Interesting, I guess the idea had to be used previously in order to eventually be appreciated.
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DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
Congratulations on winning some gear and beans! Thank you @Fast_Buds 😊 @grobot__say10 @hash_de_lezo @greenharvest_official @LAShugars @m0use
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@GreenHarvest_Official, if I get seeds, I don't know exactly what I will be given. But thank you! 😊
m0usecommenteda year ago
@@DoughHead, When they email you, ask them for more seeds vs merchandise in the prize pack. They will normally accommodate this request, I don't know how many more they give out but if you give them a list of options or just say more of the ones you already picked I'm sure they can help yea out. I did this last month and it was nice.
GreenHarvest_Officialcommenteda year ago
@@DoughHead, Enjoy the seeds and their harvest 😄. You had a great submission as well
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommenteda year ago
Awesome pictures, you guys are really horrible!! 😍 Good luck, all ya zombies and serial killers!! 🖤 (can someone help me?)
BarneyRumble420commenteda year ago
Good luck everyone this will be a good one 💪💪🔥
Nicogreencommenteda year ago
Glæder mig til og se flere billeder de 3dage op til halloweed haha griner fundet på..... Green christmas contest lyder sku da også godt :). NÅR DET ER DECEMBER. VI JO IKKE ENGANG OVER HOLLOWEEN. OG DE ER BEGYNDT SÆLGE JULE SKRAMMEL OG SLIK OG JULEKALENDER OG JULEKAGER. MEN TAKKET VÆRE GD KAN JEG GODT LIGE HOLDE DET UD 😝🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️💚🍫😊☀️☀️☀️
Nicogreencommenteda year ago
@biggerbud420,110 p rigtig vi bruger sku da strøm og gødning der ud af. De har fanme bare aflevere. Ej de skal jo også have Cash til udvikling af nye strain osv. 😜🙂😉
biggerbud420commenteda year ago
@Nicogreen, talk about a green Christmas they should just send us all free seeds lol
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@Fast_Buds, are we allowed to enter multiple times? With multiple diaries?
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DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
best of luck everyone , this is always a fin one to see <3 <3 <3
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
@Fast_Buds,<3 <3 <3
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
MrHightimescommenteda year ago
🦇 💀 🎃 Trick or Treat! 🦇 💀 🎃 🦇 💀 🎃 Thanks Fastbuds🦇 💀 🎃
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
@MrHightimes, looking forward to your entries! 👻
Naujascommenteda year ago
Happy Halloween everyone :) and good luck in the contest :)
Natronacommenteda year ago
🎃👻🎃👻🎃🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️🍭🍬🍫🍭🍬 Happy Halloween. Wishing everyone Spooktactular entries. Don't let the zombies🧟‍♂️ get you.
KitaKushcommenteda year ago
This was super fun to do...good luck everyone :)
HippyHemulencommenteda year ago
Why contest like this always fast buds strains only. 😟
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
@HippyHemulen, You'll have to reach out to the company you prefer to see if they are holding their own Halloweed contest. Since this is our creation, we only allow Fast Buds strains to enter =)
HippyHemulencommenteda year ago
@DogDoctorOfficial, Yeah i know fast buds host this content but ofc always would be nice if all strains can join theme contest like this. 😄
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
@HippyHemulen, its a fast buds contest mt friend, thats why only fast buds <3 <3 <3
Naujascommenteda year ago
@ Fast_Buds Next year, I think it would be cool to see such a competition with video material :) well, something like mine - only more terrifying :)
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
@Naujas, Great idea!
m0usecommenteda year ago
Winner's picked by FastBud's Team, not an Instagram vote, I jumped the gun and assumed. Bad Me... Everyone Good Luck!
GeOMaTTiCcommenteda year ago
@m0use, That's still very questionable
m0usecommenteda year ago
@Fast_Buds, This was my bad, Sorry for jumping the gun.
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
@m0use, Thank you for clarifying.
m0usecommenteda year ago
FYI: voting is live on "fastbuds_genetics_official" on Instagram Seems I am in the running and up against one of the pics I would have chosen for top 3. Some good options, Some photo shopped effects in, not a big fan of that but still fun. The posts are linked below: ladled as 1 2 3 4 5 in the post and the comments are how you "vote" you say the name of the grower or the number on what one you think should win. 1) 2) 3) Good Luck!
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@Fast_Buds, I responded to winnin the contest, I thought it was for the grower of the month award. I apologize for any confusion. Thank you so much for adding extras as honorable mentions yall are truly the best best best 👌
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@Fast_Buds, ✅️
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
@m0use @shulin @doughhead @smokingtiki @slowpokefuegobud @hash_de_lezo, We are NOT holding any voting on IG for this contest.... The photos were only used as content for the holiday and captions asking to indicate favorites were only done for interaction. Opinions on IG will NOT be taken into account. Please always check with us before assuming how contests will be judged as we wouldn't want any confusion going on. Let's just say, going forward, for now, ONLY MEMES are voted on on IG. All other contests are voted on amongst Fast Buds staff.
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m0usecommenteda year ago
Not as many good ones as I've seen in the past. Hopefully more will join.
m0usecommenteda year ago
@@DoughHead, Yea their side contests that are just pics always have nice prizes, look at the one for an iphone 15, all pics. sumber buds one the same,
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@m0use, hoping nobody else joins, gives me a higher chance of winning something lol. All the merch that comes with this would be SOOOO freaking cool. It's awesome how much they truly give away. It's insane really.
biggerbud420commenteda year ago
do the winners get to choose what strain they receive ?
Fast_Budscommenteda year ago
MrHightimescommenteda year ago
@biggerbud420, yes they do
Splifficommenteda year ago
I wonder if plague doctors had some "Herbs" in those masks.
Splifficommenteda year ago
@SmokingTiki,lol haha. Thanks for info haha. Got lit that mask trying to take fotos for the contest.
SmokingTikicommenteda year ago
@Spliffi, I guess you said that as a joke, but they really had some herbs in their masks! At that time, they thought the plague was caused by miasma (bad air which is supposed to cause sickness), so they used these long "beaks" to store odorous herbs. These herbs were supposed to protect them from the miasma.
GeOMaTTiCcommenteda year ago
DO NOT repeat photos from previous years' contests. We want fresh blood... I mean content.... =) Just make sure you submit someone else's idea as your own Also no need for actual diaries to participate, just look at the profile of @Hash_De_Lezo @growdiaries @fast_buds
Hash_De_Lezocommenteda year ago
@GeOMaTTiC, Como dijo Jack, vamos por partes. A mi entender, en ese párrafo hacen referencia a que no mandes la misma foto todos los años, que sean fotos nuevas. Si miras mi perfil falso, verás que llevó aquí pocos meses, descubrí la plataforma a medio cultivo y la utilice para comparar la evolución y ver distintos tipos de cultivo, no tenía pensado colgar ningún grow y cuando me animé no tenía fotos de las primeras etapas, no lo cierro porque la hierba se está curando un poco antes de hacer una prueba de humo realista. Lo creas o no, no había visto las fotos de los concursos anteriores, de hecho no sabía ni que aún estaban colgadas, con paciencia he ido bajando hasta llegar al 2021 donde efectivamente sale tu calabaza, no veo la similitud en la foto aparte del logo, pero bueno. Si sigues bajando hasta 2019, verás que ese año ganó @WildeWeed con una calabaza con el logo de Fast Buds, te refieres a que copié su idea? ¿O la idea pasó a ser tuya en 2021? Esto es un concurso, si la temática es Halloween, pues saldrán murciélagos, calabazas, fantasmas, zombis… no considero que tallar el logo en una calabaza sea una idea tan brillante, ni que solo la puedas tener tú. ¿Si el año que viene pongo un muñeco de Jason, nadie más podrá colgar una foto donde salga Jason sin que me sienta ofendido? ¿O antes tengo que mirar todas las fotos de todos los concursos anteriores, para cerciorarme que no haya salido ningún Jason? Por último y a modo de reflexión me gustaría añadir que conductas como esta, lo único que pueden llegar a generar es hartazgo por parte de los organizadores, esto tendría que ser algo divertido entre fumetas, si ganas bien y si no también. A estas alturas, no creo que nadie quede arruinado por pagar de 6,5 a 4,5 € por semilla aprovechando alguna oferta rollo Black Friday. Fúmate un Gorila, amigo.