Super!!!!!! I am more than impressed, She is simply amazing. Her resistance to heat and high humidity is something unreal :) the flowers are full of shiny trichomes!!!! I have no doubt that she will be very tasty and strong :).
wow wow !!!! 404 gr ! from the suitcase!!!!!!!258 gr of wet dried buds!!!!!!! I am impressed with the result, and I don't really believe that I will ever be able to improve it :) It was a truly amazing journey with FastBuds Gorilla cookies auto, my house is filled with a wonderful sweet smell, the buds look really full and very very shiny :) I also collected a lot of sugar leaves from which I will make bubble hash:) the girl coped with high temperatures and high humidity throughout her growth, which is why I was afraid of rot, but everything went well!!!! She is amazing. smoke review and dry weight will be up very soon, good luck to everyone :)!!!
Amazing! When I was young I grew in the PC case but the idea of the trolley is brilliant, I am convinced that with careful management you can achieve excellent results!
Good luck and happy growing 🌱🍀
@PenguPoop, yes, it really looks cool, not compared to my first growing in a suitcase, it's not my main growing place, but now I'm starting to think about growing in a suitcase for the third time :D:D.