The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

Shipped by Sponsors
60 Photos participating
2 years ago

2023 is here! Show us what you got this month!

We would like to request that you enter new content each month. While we're sure you put some thought into your memes, it's best if you don't re enter them in consecutive contests. get creative and see what else you can come up with!

We will be moderating entries to eliminate any memes which we consider inappropriate or hateful to any group. We reserve the right to use all content posted to this content on our Social Media Platforms while giving full credit to the creator.



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BB_UKcommented2 years ago
Good luck to my gromies in 2023! Positive affirmation... "This year is our year" #worldlegalization
BB_UKcommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, not a problem, 🙏😇 that's just me! Happy new year
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
@BB_UK, Well said! Thanks for bringing your positivity to the community!
MrHightimescommented2 years ago
i love getting drunk and making memes! 🍻
420DeepGrowcommented2 years ago
@MrHightimes, yo hago lo mismo fumadisimo!!!
GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@MrHightimes, Nothing like harvesting and smoking a premature plant. Also, it's a good thing only FB strains make people happy during the harvest.
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
@MrHightimes, hahah so that's your creative process! Good to know =)
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GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
Looks like it's time to go back into the vault and resubmit old memes, apparently they want to share the same shit that has been used way too many times now.
Mining_greencommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, i would keep going funny is funny. Cant cap talent like if you could have dave chappelle every week but you say sorry you were here last wee gotta give it to niķi payne instead. Your right about this being fair and it reps your c9mpany so you sh9uld defin8tely have th3 final say aftrr weighing brand vs popularity. I also agree with mouse repeats are blah but sometimes relevant but repeat memers are gold. some of the funniest memes are crude but thats what gets the gutteral reaction. What a beautiful medium or form of art this has become. I check for new ones on here regularly and for sure think some are spot on hilarius
m0usecommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, all good points. different audience base, the memes I used to view are from larger meme specific accounts and have massive followings of 120-300K. I can see how some dislike memes and the fast buds page is not in essence a meme page so the disconnect of it all. 62.8k followers with 100 votes is around 0.15% of your base, I would have thought at min 0.5-1% 329-658 of the following base would have participated. Odd metrics. Instagram is truly its own beast.
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
@m0use, It is complicated for sure, and we don't want it to turn into a popularity contest. Since it's harder to 'rig' votes on IG than it would be here, it's the best way we've come up with, apart from the fact this contest was created in order to have something interactive on our IG as well. That being said, not all the memes we publish on IG are PG13 and under haha, it just depends on the subject matter I guess. The times we do publish the more 'provocative/crude' memes, they don't tend to do well... I guess they are more niche and since we have around 100 people voting each time, not as widely entertaining. That doesn't mean they aren't funny of course! But by votes, they just tend to be for a smaller amount of people.
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420DeepGrowcommented2 years ago
Mucha suerte a todos, estaba esperando ansiosamente que empiece este concurso, espero que os guste chicos!!!
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
Congrats to our winners: 1st: @dutchgrowngreens 2nd: @Anonymous2022 3rd: @Selkot And we chose one of our team's faves this time, just because: @doctaganja - same prize as 3rd Place.
Anonymous_2022commented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Selkotcommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, THX ! ✌️
doctaganjacommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, thanks for let me win also in this great contest 💚💚💚
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Se7en616commented2 years ago
Good luck everyone 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Se7en616commented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, thank you 🙏🏻🙂
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
@Se7en616, Good luck!!
m0usecommented2 years ago
Round 1: @Selkot vs @Mrhightimes @DutchGrownGreens vs @Anonymous_2022 @ChitownCannaChica vs @Majinstatic @Anonymous_2022 vs @Anonymous_2022 . LOL sad day when a person is listed multiple times "3", 2nd month in a row now. Really need a limit of one or two meme per person to prevent spam. Have seen the last two memes in the contest many times before just different font. Most of the memes on this page where not featured on Instagram as I was monitoring, so its not really equal opportunity contest. meh not my money, just be aware its not what you'd expect for any new comers to the contest.
DutchGrownGreenscommented2 years ago
@m0use, you need to apply for admin on here ahaha. Those 3 contests i dont join in on because i dont need the seeds and rolling stuff haha. So i cant really say something about them. On the other hand GD isnt actively developing the website it seems, just like the request section and people who voted for the npk calculator and such, Which dont get added.😋 I think Fastbuds is doing great with these contests and how they handle the voting. Maybe they can work like some other big companies and let you submit to a special link adress or dropbox where the magic happens behind the curtains haha. That we dont get to see all the memes that got submitted and they can choose the funniest ones. But no matter what, i keep enjoying the contests🙏😀
m0usecommented2 years ago
@DutchGrownGreens, I feel the contests that have the biggest issue with fake accounts is GOTM, DOTM, NOTM. Even when this contest had a written rule saying the limit of 3 memes a month I'm pretty sure users could still upload more if they wanted to. This contest is also harder to troll with that one posted rule saying must have min 3 diaries in total last one no older then 2 months and that its memes not diaries at content. Granted its not hard to fake a bunch of diaries and I have seen a lot of that being done before or users creating a meme diary just for this contest. We need a solution that makes the effort and ease of entering the contest the same, while not imposing so many restrictions on people that they get confused. Still need to have a good system to prevent cheats/spam and give equal opportunities. I like it when a contest just blocks you from entering once your entry/entries are made. I also like a system that problem solves and bit and looks at the account in question and asks is this person real. This did not happen when a spam account won POTM with a blurry shit photo and people where pissed, just makes users not care when the system does not function, why invest your time in a site when its a joke. The majority of this needs to happen in the back end and shit needs to start to be communicated. Fastbuds is one of the good hosts in that they provide a lot of prizes to this site and they tend to communicate major issues. It also helps they own the site as well lol. I'm not saying this contest is a joke, punny in of itself, it just needs a reversion or update to its terms. However in general this site does need a serious rework, that's never likely to happen as fake accounts are still traffic and that's good for business. Meh.
DutchGrownGreenscommented2 years ago
@m0use, maybe they scrapped the rule because the contests then every month troubles again with those fake accounts with fake grows because everyone was limited to 3 memes. Idk though hahah
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Anonymous_2022commented2 years ago
And the fun begins 😎 good luck all 💪💪💪
Fast_Budscommented2 years ago
@Anonymous_2022, Best of luck to you! Thanks for always entering!
Splifficommented2 years ago
Hi Growers. I like doing graffiti tags. If you want your user name in tag form dm me🤙👍🌱
m0usecommented2 years ago
@Spliffi, yes please
m0usecommented2 years ago
Selkotcommented2 years ago
still in the race 😍
m0usecommented2 years ago
Round 3: for 1st and 2nd place @Anonymous_2022 vs @DutchGrownGreens for 3rd place @Majinstatic Vs @Selkot Good Luck
m0usecommented2 years ago
@Majinstatic, in round 3 there is no 4th place, it's battling out for the top 3 slots. The first two whoever wins will be crowned 1st and the loser 2nd. then in the 2nd vote whoever wins will win 3rd and other nothing. I don;t know how they get there in the first place, im guessing the top scores from round 1 and 2 have something to do with it,
Majinstaticcommented2 years ago
@DutchGrownGreens, never seen one, on their page or in contest itself. It's not my point to re-upload something. And tbh I just commented a post about being in competition for 4th place and went out.
DutchGrownGreenscommented2 years ago
@Majinstatic, that one was original in stead of recycled material and liked most by team fastbuds themselves🙏
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NorseGrowercommented2 years ago
Wow I was really shocked to see participants with diaries that don't even have plants!! lol One participant with a ton of entries and several in the finals has a Fastbuds diary that is on like week 7 without a single plant in the diary. Its just for the meme contest. That seems to be against the whole spirit of the diary requirements. I guess there is no point in being respectful with your submission limits if others are going to wild out. Only people that lose with no rules are those who try to self govern. I reckon I will start a separate meme diary (I actually care about sharing my plants progress) and just flood competition with all my memes including previous entries that didn't make the cut. If its just about the best meme, then lets give them lots to chose from!
m0usecommented2 years ago
@NorseGrower, Same things happening in their valentines contest with different players. 1-3 meme or 1 photo max rule needs to be placed to prevent spam and any account that's being considered needs to be looked into for exploitation of contests. lota clicks involved for that though. 🤷
NorseGrowercommented2 years ago
Second to last day, good luck everyone!! I enjoy trying to come up with ideas for this contest and its exciting to see if one of mine is shared or in the mix. To refrain from getting ridiculous on my part, I am going to limit myself to one meme a week that I will add with my weekly dairy update *4 per contest* and I am not going to enter any of my old ones. Maybe Fastbuds can give us a topic every month for the meme. This would prevent the same memes that do not relate being recycled monthly and give creators a direction to go in as well. Just an idea, perhaps more rules isn't a good thing and would stifle creativity. Thankful for my chance either way. Good luck all!
Selkotcommented2 years ago
@Majinstatic, I agree with that, I see almost identical memes month after month, and I think it's a pity; but who am I to judge... I put my trust in our "referees", who have the precedents memes in mind and avoid most of the time to make them win twice (or several times...😏)
Majinstaticcommented2 years ago
@Selkot, people with creative flow, will create something anyway. No matter if this is for contest or not. Of course it will reduce the number of memes in total, but quality will raise. And most of us is here for quality over quantity. I would rather had good laugh three times , then see some copy paste behavior from memes sites, just for a price. Then is just pathetic.
Selkotcommented2 years ago
@Majinstatic, I fear that this will drastically reduce the number of memes proposed over 30 days, at the risk of discouraging those who have an overflowing imagination, without however counting among the "spammers" who recycle their same memes month after month; someone who seeks to be original could not decently propose more than one per week, that is to say one per update of his journal. That said, I'm in favor of a contest that gives everyone a chance, and if that means a "1 grower 1 meme" rule, I'll live with it 😉
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Splifficommented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Hi. First of all thanks for this website!! Do you like the TaG?? I would like if you guys can run a Tag or Art contest for a special printed FastBuds pack? Just a fun idea🌱👍🤙👍