
  • Fast Buds related Memes only
  • Must have at least 3 diaries on Grow Diaries (most recent diary no older than 2 months)

Fast Buds Meme Contest!

Shipped by Sponsors
81 Photos participating
a year ago

Fall is upon us, what will this month bring in the world of memes? Good luck everyone!

We would like to request that you enter new content each month. While we're sure you put some thought into your memes, it's best if you don't re enter them in consecutive contests. get creative and see what else you can come up with!

We will be moderating entries to eliminate any memes which we consider inappropriate or hateful to any group. We reserve the right to use all content posted to this content on our Social Media Platforms while giving full credit to the creator.


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MrHightimescommenteda year ago
So many good entries already! this community is getting fantastic at meming!!!!!
GeOMaTTiCcommenteda year ago
I had to, and I won't apologize.
mcflowcommenteda year ago
@GeOMaTTiC, the break knees one is really good, this one is winning 100%
MrHightimescommenteda year ago
@GeOMaTTiC, i love it!
Mateo513commenteda year ago
these contests suck, they pick the same people every other month or so, that's why you see the same people with like 100 awards makes me think they are fast bud sponsors or why else would the same people win every other month?..... there i typed what everyone else is thinking and is afraid to type😂
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@ChitownCannaChica, every meme I've made has been completely by my fucked up brain. Then I go back and look at previous contents and think damn, some of these fuckers beat me to it lol. They might of had roughly the same idea but used different images. Idk if a totally original meme can be made bc I've tried and when I go back and look I see things kind of similar you know. I'm new too so it ain't like I seen them in the past and got inspired lol
GeOMaTTiCcommenteda year ago
@Mateo513, Only a year late, but sure, go ahead and pretend like you spoke first
TopShelfStealth23commenteda year ago
@Mateo513, came second last month and fastbuds ain’t sponsored me 😂😂 Anyone know how to get free seeds ?
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommenteda year ago
@mrhightimes @smokingtiki LOOOOOOL so good!! 😎
SmokingTikicommenteda year ago
@SlowpokeFuegobud, Hehe thanks!
mcflowcommenteda year ago
Damn there are some real bangers in there, i dont know if i got a chance lol, good luck to everyone!
MrHightimescommenteda year ago
@mcflow, yeah i'm loving the entries this month!!!
m0usecommenteda year ago
1st round is up: 4v4 @Skinnytalls420 Vs @MaltaHerbman @SmokingTiki vs @GeOMaTTiC @ChitownCannaChica vs @MrHightimes @Chubbs vs @Mazgoth Be sure to check out their Instagram too vote & see vote totals 2nd round will be the winners from the first round against each other. 2v2 3rd round will be two winners from 2nd round for 1st and 2nd place, both losing memes fight for 3rd Got some repeat users from last months top 8, Repeats are @MrHightimes, @ChitownCannaChica, @Mazgoth, @SmokingTiki & @GeOMaTTiC Congrats on placing again. Some of the ones they picked for top 8 are trash memes though and they skipped over others that are better, O well, Good Luck!
m0usecommenteda year ago
@GeOMaTTiC, spam FTW, I feel if you mimic this it works ever in your favour. when they where winning they would have two memes on the leaderboard end of month essentially guaranteeing them victory. Wild times, they have since fixed that error from my understanding. It also looks like they changed up voting or they uploaded the stories backwards. This month should be interesting.
GeOMaTTiCcommenteda year ago
@m0use, Not me, but someone has 4 wins in a row
SmokingTikicommenteda year ago
@m0use, Hi man, thanks for the info! 👌
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BudBoutiquecommenteda year ago
I pretty much love this contest - Good luck to everyone - just laughed my a** off 😂
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
Goodluck everyone! Lots of great memes this month! Thank you FastBuds!
Splifficommenteda year ago
Miss the Home town and the bench in the park. You could probably roll a table joint from all the left overs👍🤙👍🌱
DoughHeadcommenteda year ago
@M0use That 9/11 one kinda dark af. 😳
m0usecommenteda year ago
Happy Halloween!
ChitownCannaChicacommenteda year ago
Anyone get paid yet on this one? Been over a month…