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Grower of the Month July 2022

Shipped by Sponsors
36 Growers participating
3 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@GrowDiaries I selected refuse on the banner that popped up when I logged in today. Please pass the win on to who ever was behind me., as I have no use for anything from fastbuds. Thanks...👉
Hashycommented3 years ago
@chow_13 is clearly cheating have double the points then anyone else on the board.🤣
m0usecommented3 years ago
@CanarianGrow92, @Hashy, This is what I found on the dark web, it was in a folder called gotm hacks on a 4chan site. Maybe we are dealing with a next level Qanon insurrection into the freedom of the internet itself!?!?! I can feel my rights being violated...... its wrong, its so WRONG! Why did JOE BIDEN let this happen, how did he alone in his short tenure allow this to fully manifest and happen to all of us! FUCK HIM! Fuck me..... Fuck me in the ass! Fuck! Me! In! The! Assssss!!!!! No Homo - It's the only things that feels right, Don't tell my wife, I have kids, fuck Joe Biden! Fuck Him In The ASSS!!!!! Save Us President Trump!
Hashycommented3 years ago
@CanarianGrow92, your right there @m0use is great at sniffing things out. It the super sonic mouse nose that does it.
CanarianGrow92commented3 years ago
@Hashy, lets ask @mouse, he can investigate whats happening here!
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Hashycommented3 years ago
Gmsgrows, he's the man, if he can't do it no one can.
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Love me friends on here. You guys ever come up to north Ontario., make sure to let me know..
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy,All I can say, is that's a damn good thing...😎
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, AHAHAHAHAHA that's the "GMS" i know and love , a nod to you sir 👊
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Hashycommented3 years ago
And @chow_13, comes out of the abyss to get a top 3 spot. Come on @gmsgrows, gmsgrows, gmsgrows.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I just chopped a plant today. So I may give the bowl another go as its still wet.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, as smart as a fart that they follow through with.
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, Some here are as smart as a fart..
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GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
YEAAAAA!!!!!!! It's July 18th and I JUST got my seeds from my win in APRIL!!!!!!!
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, mine was Fb sponsored Cherry cola Strawberry gorilla Pineapple express Green crack Gorilla cookies. I won't be getting any on till end of summer now. Prob September.
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Hashy, Yeah... I know they can't ship/sell seeds directly to the US for some reason... I was surprised they hadn't enclosed them with the merchandise but hey - I'm not complaining!! (At least not any more!) Popped 3 seeds into a glass of water last night and the damned things were ready to be planted today!! I'm psyched. What seeds did you choose? I got some "normal" strains (but strains I've not grown yet) - Sour Diesel and Bruce Banner... but then I also got two other strains - Wedding Cheesecake (I liked the looks of it - LOL!) and Trainwreck... got that one just for the name alone! LMAO!!! I don't have any more room out on my deck and I shouldn't have popped the three that I did (Wedding Cheesecake) but I figured what the hell... it's summer and a super time to grow... but I now have 12 plants out there and so I'm about 6 over the number I'm allowed to grow here... I'm not particularly concerned... nobody really cares here any more! 😊 And they've got bigger fish to fry.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, I got mine for finishing 2nd in mays contest last week. So yours have took about a month longer. But its easier to send seeds to the UK, mine turn up with the merchandise.
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CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
and everyone knows @chow_13 is just an alternative accound for @hashy the cheater , stop cheating @hashy please 🙏 (just joking @chow_13 !! good on you growmie, congrats)
Hashycommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, be quiet my split personality otherwise they will be onto us.
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Oh shit he's on to me. Just have to remember what address I used for my may win so they don't catch me. Wait did he just say he was just joking....ah f#$k hopefully no one herd me, Poker face...keep clam. Everything is normal over here. Move along.
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
Looky looky, coming up on your tails boys...One trike to many on the highway now....
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, gmsgrows gmsgrows, gmsgrows. Cheering you on your way up.
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
Fantasmagorical.... no cheating this month!!!!!
Chow_13commented3 years ago
Oh, I'm smelling some suspicious activity here. I think someone is not playing by the rules.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, yep I'm glitching the matrix again, while doing some cool bullet time skills, everything's running in sloooooooow motion.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, for sure it's @hashy cheating again... you can just "tell" it's him 🚀
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Very true, I have been acclimated to the rules not being enforced.. Newbie of the month's being grand masters, This "Brand" only diary winning without a single product in that brand.
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Chow_13commented3 years ago
And the race begins.....
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Hashy, that's FANTASTIC! I thought it was pretty crappy to get 15 seeds from one sponsor but only 12 from another... GOOD NEWS!
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, yeah it's defo 15 now. They said in the email the prize was advertised wrong. Which is now similar prizes to what seedsman offer, I would imagine if any other breeders sponsor the comps they will have to give similar prizes, 15 seeds, trays, stickers, etc.
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Hashy, But read the description of this month's prizes... And I got 1st in April with FB... and I got 4x3 (which I'm STILL waiting on - LOL! Coming from the Czech Republic takes time!)... But no matter... if it's now a total of 15 seeds, that's great!
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CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
ahahaha look who won though @gmsgrows 😆 nice one growmie , good to see you on the board along with @roberts (finally!) nice work growmies loving it...
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Your a smart cookie....
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, you may get the trophy but as you have declined they may send the prize to 4th place.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, maybe it will update when the next person hits accept or they're just being stingy... idrk
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GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
I'm getting pretty tired of folks who don't have a diary who keep asking a bazillion questions with no information. "Hey Doc, I had a rash last week... what do you think caused it and what can I do?"
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@DutchDoobie, 😂😂😂
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows,... 😂
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@GrowingGrannie, Rub a little weed oil on the rash, cover for 3 days, and Bob's your uncle...
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CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
if only @hashy stopped cheating ...
Hashycommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, valid point all the birds and flying insects would keep knocking themselves out on all that glass.
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@Hashy, please don't stop cheating. There is way to much glass in that world.So may birds would die.
Hashycommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, wow what a world that would be.
Kmikaz420commented3 years ago
Felicitation aux gagnants et qui sais peut être un jour je gagnerai aussi dans ma vie ^^
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Kmikaz420, if you have a harvest you already won the real contest growmie 😉
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Kmikaz420, We were all born winners., we were just taught no.....
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
I wish Grow Diaries had a "LOVE IT" emoji... I find I want it more frequently these days.....
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
There are some real fruitcake answers being selected ... Thankfully they're mostly being selected by those who haven't linked their question to a diary. I'm SO glad I'm not in this competition!
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@Growdiaries. I have found the bug that happened last month. I was at 5 points. Then I went to an answer that I was selected for and clicked on "Remove". This removed my answer, put the question back into a "Unanswered" state and cleared all of my points. The question that I was selected for and removed my "selected" answer from was Not interested in getting the points back. But last months winner got screwed over by this bug. @crimsonecho and deserves the win. To replicate( Have grower B with many points from many growers ) Grower A - Ask a question Grower B - Answer the question Grower A -Select Grower B's solution Grower B - Delete the answer that grower A selected. Now Grower B will Have zero points even though they only removed the single answer.
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, interesting. that's kinda weird as once anyone responds to a question, the author can not delete it or edit it, its "locked". So this is allowing a person answering any questions the ability to reopen them, and not the author. Definitely a bug that needs to be fixed. I see users points fall for no other reason sometimes as well. So when that happens it does not zero individuals out. Should be the same process I would feel. I know when hiding diaries it removes them from the score board but will add them back on when they are unhidden. This could be used as a trolling tool, asking questions all at once then hiding the diary and end of contest hit unhide... "magic" someone is top of ranks. This could be combined with a slew of older questions asked throughout multiple months and accounts to add a stealth effect to it, a simple investigation would not find it right away but if someone points where all from questions dated older then a month it would be sus. They could add a side rule that it's only collection points on questions asked around the monthly period of the contests as well. Bang fixed that exploit lol. This is all good to know if it happens again, we now have an answer. Funny how we are trouble shooting this and not the people who are paid to run this site lol. Should send you a gift card for McDonald's :D
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@m0use, I cant say for sure, but I think it went along the lines of troll spammed questions, He answered one of them and got selected. He noticed the question spamming and didn't want the point as it was an obvious troll and removed his answer. As for me, I did it as a test. I agree though once an answer is selected the whole thing should be locked. They fixed the ability to switch "Selected" answers. But all the answers are still removable.
m0usecommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, good eye! I am curious, why delete after it was selected? Maybe a troll account spamming questions and wanted to not associate with it?
m0usecommented3 years ago
There's not a lot going on in this contest anymore. Some catty replies in the grow questions by some users who are in a bitch plus the two or so trolls lingering in the sidelines but its just not what it used to be. The high score is only in the 20's and that's still almost a double point lead on 2nd and 3rd, to add to that, 2nd and 3rd may pull out before contest is done or one maybe removed as they won last month. Then you got 4th place, they typically don't not take prizes and remove themselves followed up by 5th, who is a sus account, winning all their points in a short period of time after the question is asked when no one else has responded to it, meanwhile all the other questions have a few replies to them from multiple users before an answer is selected. Shit month for GOTM, maybe its just because its summer? IDK O well, Congrats to all the cunts in the lead and the dick bags following up behind, "Your the real hero" 😆
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, why are all my alternate personalitys ratting me out. 🤣🤣🤣
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, Hashy cheated....
GrowingGranniecommented3 years ago
@Hashy, 😍
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Kmikaz420commented3 years ago
Bravo au gagnant
Robertscommented2 years ago
@Kmikaz420, thank you
SlowpokeFuegobudcommented3 years ago
Congrats, @roberts, well deserved!! 😀 .. and the others of course!! 💚
Robertscommented2 years ago