The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
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Best Photo
  • The contest runs from March 1st to April 30th, 2025.
  • This is a worldwide contests; anyone may enter regardless of country of residence.
  • Creations must be inspired by Power Buds.
  • You may upload multiple creations, but can only win one prize.
  • Winners will be chosen based on the preferences of the Plagron team.
  • Winners will be contacted in May 2025.
  • Plagron reserves the right to use all creations and any other contest content for their online and offline communication as well as that of their partners. 

Power Buds Art Battle

Shipped by Sponsors
62 Photos participating
in a month

Get ready to unleash your creativity! Whether you're a pro artist or just love to experiment, this is your moment to bring Power Buds to life in your own unique way. Paint it, sketch it, sculpt it, or even build it in Minecraft—anything goes! From AI-generated art to tattoos, let your imagination run wild and show us what Power Buds means to you. No limits, just pure creativity!

Even if you’ve never created art before, we’d still love to see what you come up with. Let your creativity flow and make something legendary!

What's in it for you? 

•        1st place: 10 liter can Power Buds worth €415. 
•        2nd place: 5 liter can Power Buds worth €230. 
•        3rd place: 1 liter bottle Power Buds worth €55. 

Need a starting point? We've got you covered! Download some Power Buds images right here to use in your creation!

Want some more inspiration? Here are the effects of Power Buds has on your ladies: 

1.       Increases THC levels by 26%
2.       Increases amount of buds
3.       Shortens transition phase by 7 days 

And don’t forget: since it’s an additive, it works with all substrates and base nutrients. Epic! 



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m0usecommented12 days ago
@Schnabeldino, AI is fine IMO. no one needs 10L of this shit for 1st place. They can pay a real graphic designer to do this for their brand, but didn't, or did and just running this to make a fun contest out of it, Gotta control your expectations to be less annoyed by it all. Marketing platfrom end of day, nothing else.
Schnabeldinocommented14 days ago
very nice contest, but all these AI pictures are terrible...You can't even read the writing 😪 I always thought that smoking weed makes you creative...luckily there are still people who think about it and don't just enter a text and let it generate a picture. 👌 good Luck 🍀🤞
TherealNICOGREENcommented5 days ago
@Schnabeldino, er fuldstændig enig med dig growmie! De burde dele det op imellem animation og alm redigering af billeder og billeder uredigeret! Men det kunne jo være en mulighed en ANDEN GANG EVT PLAGRON 💜💚☮️😉
TherealNICOGREENcommented9 days ago
@m0use, jeg har til og sælge videre hahaha 🤣 j
einamiocommented12 days ago
@m0use, real graphic designers are spoiled wankers, god sent us ai to punish them for their sins.
Comment by einamio photo #1
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Grow_Mary_Greencommented22 days ago
Richtig cooler Contest von PLAGRON 😍 I need the Stuff ✌️🤩
Grow_Mary_Greencommented16 days ago
@Plagron, I'm taking part in your contest with 7 works of art. Maybe there will be more ✌️😉
Plagroncommented16 days ago
@Grow_Mary_Green, Are you also working on an artwork?
m0usecommented25 days ago
meh, more magic juice
TherealNICOGREENcommented5 days ago
@m0use, 💚☮️
TherealNICOGREENcommented24 days ago
Det fungerer seriøst godt 😊 men hvordan deltager jeg lige heh
00110001001001111Ocommented25 days ago
These are not the droids you are looking for...
TherealNICOGREENcommented20 days ago
Alle kan lave noget via et design program og RESPEKT FOR DET JEG SYNES BARE DET SJOVESTE ER AT BRUGE KUN DIREKTE BILLEDER ELLER EN BLANDING ELLERS HAR FOLK UDEN DESIGN OG GRAFIK REDIGERING HAR JO IKKE EN CHANCE SÅ . Men man kunne jo dele konkurrencen i 2 med digitale billeder og alm fotos uredigerede ☮️💚👌✌️😊😇 HELD OG LYKKE TIL JER ALLE SAMMEN:)
TherealNICOGREENcommented5 days ago
@00110001001001111O, det synes jeg også men jeg er stadig af den mening, man burde have delt op med animerede billeder og billeder der er redigeret, og originale udgivelser af billeder! Men det er måske en ide til en ny konkurrence;) ! Man kan jo godt være uenig og enig samtidig hehe 😜 og må DET BEDSTE / De BEDSTE BILLEDER DELTAGE OG ANDET GODT UKRUDT HAHA HAVE KÆMPE HELD OG LYKKE! 🤞 LOVE PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING NICOGREEN 💚☮️👌🤩💚
00110001001001111Ocommented20 days ago
@TherealNICOGREEN, I think the fake pictures go well with the marketing promises. One promise is vague and the other two are very likely false. The data used to come to those conclusions must be a total joke or completely fabricated.
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TherealNICOGREENcommented12 days ago
Ved godt det er et tilfælde men efter jeg skrev kommentaren omkring animation og ikke animation, røg der 6 animationsfilm/ Bill op og et med lige 2 animerede hajer før mig lå nr 1. Indtil jeg fik lavet den kommentar;) ☮️😝😅🤣🤣😇😂ved godt det er et rent tilfælde, men kunne ikke lade være med at tænke (det var da lige godt øv) haha
TherealNICOGREENcommented12 days ago
@m0use, præcis hvis de havde lavet et bedre design ( som f.eks. advance ( gødning) MEN JEG TÆNKTE DET SAMME SOM DIG. Men tror du ikke pga de kan nå ud til ALLE TYPER KUNDER JO! Der jo flere der er mod cannabis især i eu ( hvor man burde have ens lovgivning , mener jeg! Men jeg er sku heller ik begejstret for virkningen af PLAGRON power buds ! Så advance Big bud eller T.A . Bloombooster ! Faktisk er saturn Power buds , fra Terra power faktisk OVERRASKENDE GODT! Men det er ikke en reklame besked hehe!
Mosquito_Haarlemcommented24 days ago
How do I join? The 'join now' button doesn't
Plagroncommented22 days ago
Is it still not working for you?
AsNoriucommented22 days ago
ChatGPT has prevention to use branded images, so its a bit hard for people who dont use Photoshop or similar, nice for you to provide pictures, but AI just don't take them. I created an desired photo description, provided images, but never got wanted lay out ... Still , great event !
TherealNICOGREENcommented3 days ago
Er jeg den eneste den siger er ro fair til !? Når jeg vil uploade nyt bi
iLoveGoodWeedcommented2 days ago
Power buds looks impresive 🔥 good vibes and good luck to everyone 👊👍