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The Real 001100010010011110
Global pos.
Growing, years
P 25%
ETHOS Genetics
Breeders of choice:
44% ETHOS Genetics
33% Custom Breeder & Strain
Lights of choice:
50% ViparSpectra
50% Mars Hydro
Equipment of choice:
100% TerraBloom

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The Garden 2025 Part 1
17 weeks
The Garden 2025 Part 100110001001001111O
+2 strains
a month ago · 21 comments
The Garden 2025 Part 2
11 weeks
The Garden 2025 Part 200110001001001111O
+1 strain
5 days ago · 17 comments
The Garden 2024
4 weeks
The Garden 202400110001001001111O
Buncha Stuff
2 months ago · 50 comments

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Growing it
Well, the last Ethos testers I tried were mostly trash. These turned out okay. Buds are a bit too fluffy. We'll see how they turn out after drying. Smell like normal weed which is fine. I don't give two shits about exotic smell. I only care about how it tastes when I smoke it. Update - These did not fill in well. I've had nothing but bad luck with the free 'tester' seeds that come with Ethos purchases. Ethos has turned out to be quite hit or miss, despite the reputation. Glad I've grown some, but others have some meh traits. They have a gas/diesel aroma, but just way too fluffy with excess leaves. Thankfully, only 2 of the plants in this cycle.
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a month ago
Growing it
Wow, these were 2 monster plants given the less than 4 ft sq space alotted and less than 40 days of vege. They smell great and gave a ton of scissor hash. Pretty easy trim, and could have been easier with a little more maintenance. Even the lower nugs on primary branches are nice and dense. Only the first of two plants are pictured.
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a month ago
Strawberry Cookies OG R1
Growing it
All of these are looking great. Chopped the first one down on 59th day of flower (pictured). These have a wide range of flower time. One looks like it'll be ~70 days or more. They all look like good yielders, but I did attempt to throw out weak plants in vege. Think I have 4 of these in total, so only one was culled. This has a nice smell, but we'll have to see what evolves after dry/cure. As far as I can tell right now, these are nice buds that were easy to trim. This plant filled up a 36" mesh rack, so it pulled its weight. These stretched a bit, but I think that was from me being too aggressive pruning off unnecessary growth tips a bit too soon, so it went searching for light. Certainly didn't impact yield. The nugs are tight and well-formed deep into the canopy. Are they worth 15/seed? Absolutely not, but too many retards are willing to piss their money away, so this is what we get. All plants are easy to grow, so I just put it as normal. Problems growing different strains is more about esoteric nutrient formulas that are less than optimal and don't work with a wide range of plants. No idea how someone could evaluate whether a plant is resistant or not. I didn't have any pathogens or issues, so ... maybe? Edit - took this down to an 8/10. Buds could have formed better and inconsistent across the 4 phenos. This is my fault for buying an "R1"
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2 months ago

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sanibelislcommented8 days ago
hello. sorry how my response to the lighting question was taken. i was really searching for answers geared to how to operate lights that can produce a lot of power i.e. my new light(it is a beast)a NextLight Mega Pro 640 WATT 1650 PPFD 2.6 efficacy 2,874 full spectrum leds dimmable ay 25,50,75,100 percent...so with this said i have seen grow tents with powerful lights where the lights are hung high and there are plants of multiple sizes all trucking right along...?raise the lights turn up the power and mimic the sun!?... here's what i have done...i kept the light at 25 percent power, lowered the light to 22 inches where the ppfd is 350'ish and the dli reading of 26/27 , if i go as low as 18 inches i get 400 ppfd and around 30 for the dli so if i want to push things during flower i will have to go to 50 percent power and raise the lights...so i just turned the power to 50 percent and at the cuurent light setting of 24 inches the ppfd jumped to over 750 and the dli went to 55... will have to raise the lights for sure if i raise the power...i got these lights at such a great deal 0 00... i just could not pass them up as they originally went for ,200 they will veg a 7x7and flower a 5x5 and i have a small room i may convert to a grow space in the future...and as for word salad i seem to do pretty good myself lol...happy gardening everyone
00110001001001111Ocommented7 days ago
I haven't written a word salad. The things i wrote made perfect sense. I can't help you if that is the problem. I'll just type what i'd do. No matter what, the plant dictates everything. Everything requires you to observe and adjust. No suggestion will be perfect, because local variables differ from one garden to the next. Hang 16-20" - pick something.. observe and adjust based on plant growth (too lanky or too tight) and/or damage that occurs. If it ends up being 15" so be it. Plant dictates. Vege 16 hours on/8hours off cycle at 75% power, and this works out mathematically to use the same hanging distance and give the same DLI over 12 hours while running at 100% power. 2 birds, 1 stone. Unless environmental variables dratstically change, the same 'best' hanging distance based on plant growth from 16/8 operation will be best for 12 hour operation, too. You could also play around with less power and closer hanging distance with an 18/6 cycle. this would require more trial and error based on observing how the plant grows -- too lanky or tight dictates adjustments. Since the plants are much smaller at this point, hanging closer is a viable option without sacrificing area of coverage. This is more complicated to give a starting suggestion. At 50% power and 18hours, you might need to be 12" away as a starting guesstimate. As long as it peroperly covers all your plants, this is fine, too. If you do that, you have to go through same trial and error process for 12 hour / 100% operation from 16-20"... you'll have to work out what is best hanging distance based on growth (or dialed back from causing damage), a 2nd time. Take notes, and skip the trial and error next grow cycle. So, it's a pain in the ass the first time only. It saves a little electricity.. not sure if that is worth it. That light is better sticking to about 21 sq ft max coverage for 12 hour operation. figure approaching 5' long by 4.5' wide -- 'length' dimension is perpendicular to the LED strips. This leaves room to keep foliage off the walls in a 5x5 and rectangular in shape, so offcenter slightly and put any equipment on the side with excess space. 25sq ft will work out fine, too, but it won't max out DLI / use of atmospheric carbon. Can't say for sure if it would yield better or not, but should be a greater proportion of 'better' nugs if you max out DLI. Good chance it's a same or similar yield, too, so tighter nugs is better way to go. Your misuse of vocabulary makes me a bit worried this doesn't make sense. Re-read the wiki on DLI. Manufacturers and apps often misuse it too. DLI or PPFD cannot be measured in a single locale / single measurement. that is just umol/s of PAR or PPE or PPF... it's not nit-picky. these things all have their use and need to be understood individually.
sanibelislcommented12 days ago
So you weren't telling me DLI is important. Wouldn’t you want to know the DLI so you drive your lights to the fullest while making sure that by arbitrarily you don’t hang you lights too close, hence the the measuring tape. I am just trying to get acquainted with my new lights as I never was able to play with power. Higher lower more less. So i will move the light around at different powers so i know where I should be at any one time during the grow.
00110001001001111Ocommented11 days ago
Yes, DLI is important, but it is in the end just a measurement. A lot more goes into how much a plant can handle per 24 hours. Wheter you took a PPE or lux reading, you could use that to ensure lights are at the same intensity at various points across canopy. This is useful. Knowing how to calculate DLI doesn't tell you what the maximum you can provide is. That comes through trail and error. It can put you in a close vicinity of "maximum". In ambient CO2, 35-40 DLI is a good starting point, then you have to observe and adjust based on growth patterns. Seasonal variations in temp/rh will result in different 'max DLI' that you can provide. You can get to that same place without a DLI or Klux measurment. Observe and adjusting until growth pattern is ideal. Same thing, potentially longer path to get there. Relative to the topc of light penetration, it's irrelevant. The DLI at canopy will be your 'max' DLI that you found through trial and error. From there it's just a matter of what proportion you can measure inside the canopy to judge penetration, right? Again, can do this with klux too. The measurement at top in center is "100%" and everything other measurement is relative to that value. Klux does not easily convert to DLI, but it is 1:1 proportional. If DLI increases 10%, Klux value increases 10% too. If you want to be wasteful, higher and more power (same DLI at canopy) will provide better penetration than lower and less power. This is a mathematical certainty and not an opinion. I am not saying it is the better way to go, as that is more complicated. 14-20" for bar style... 18-24" for QB... In most cases, your best distance will be somehwere in this range. In my opinion, you start with geometry and evenness of coverage to dictate hanging distance. As long as you have an appropriately powered light, it should end there. What results in best overall average ppe/klux readings across canopy.. with a minimized difference from central reading to edges/corners. At that point it's just a matter of matching watts to hours of operation to provide appropriate DLI.
sanibelislcommenteda month ago
Wow that’s a lot to absorb. lol. I have a tremendous amount of experience with transplanting plants. Worked in landscaping for many years and have transplanted thousands of shrubs, trees annuals and perennials. All in the state of Florida where everything grows without much effort. All in dirt substrates. Always have transplanted my photo’s in the past when using soil and never a problem with direct sowing auto’s in soil either. It’s the coco. Got smart and am using Canna coco coir A&B and will add pk 13/14 during flower. I figured that I would top water through the coco every 10 days or so and add some beneficial microbes at the same time. Will be adding an extra oxygen to the water resivoir via aquarium air pump and stones. Thanks for taking the time for the book you wrote. Lots of good stuff in there. There is probably a unseen message in all this and that is don’t start your little girls in final pots if it’s coco. Start small and work up in a substrate with available natural nutrients. The KISS principle. Keep it simple stupid. Thanks.
00110001001001111Ocommenteda month ago
@sanibelisi, coco isn't magic. It has some slightly different characteristics compared to other solid mediums. You should have an appropriately sized put regardless of medium. Also, transplants outside are much more stressful because it involveds damaging roots - unless it's a potted plant outside, then it is not stressful to plop it into a hole in the ground or a larger pot. No damage is being done as long as you don't molest the rootball or cut through roots (real 'transplants' outside). Fertilizer is fertilizer. Whatever comes out to a proper balanced diet is going to work well, relative to life stage. Some molecules will deliver it more effectively than others, but most of that is common knowledge that any professional manufacturer should know already. Plants are more alike than different - flowering, soft-stemmed plants are very similar and there is a ton of carryover that's far better knowledge than the anecdotal shit that inundates the marijuana growing community. I've taken enough chemisty and biology to avoid some but not all the magic. "Gassing off chlorophyl" issone i've been focusing on lately. Total fucking nonsense if someone thinks a molecules with a 160-180C melting point is just gassing off easily in a mater of a few weeks of curing, and water evaporating would have no effect on that - it repels it and is an endothermic reaction, meaning it absorbs energy from the sorrondings, which would do the opposite of helping gas off chlorophy A or B. A little chemisty knowledge shoots holes in that unverified bullshit fairly easily. cocoforcannabis.com - and this is good info for all soilless methods, because coco coir is not magic. It simply retains water, and less of it compared to better alternatives. sphagnum peat moss is a better base and can have the same aeration/drainage properties as coco if amended properly. Even coco needs 33% perlite or similar for a proper gast:water mixture per volume. coco is just a fuck up waiting to happen though. you get one batch of improperly buffered coco and you lose an entire crop or have a huge delay of sickly plants for a month or more. people want their esoteric methods and products to be unique, special and superior results so much that they lie to themselves in order to believe it, lol.
NoVC01commented2 months ago
Thanks for your insight on my P&K question. Gonna try an additional 0.015 tsp of both, one time, not more than twice. Thanks!
Strangegarliccommented6 months ago
@00110001001001111O, hey there thank you for the detailed answer on my question. Howweedgrow is the youtuber in question not to name drop he just seems like he uses it it like 90% of his stuff. Seemed like it worked alright judging by his grows. But I totally get what you're saying about product plugs. This is my first grow and didn't want to get overwhelmed by the VAST amount of brands there was. Kinda just went for the first thing that didn't seem too flashy. Do you have any experience with grow dots at all? I was thinking about using them for my next grow. Thanks again!
00110001001001111Ocommented6 months ago
@Strangegarlic, @Strangegarlic, Nearly all fertilizers can work well. There's no magical products. Paying more for the same thing is usually all that you can do, lol. They are all ubiquitous if made by a decent manufacturer. I'm not a fan of slow release options, like grow dots. But, if you learn to ride that bike, it can make for an easy grow. Likely it will take a good bit of trial and error to get teh right amount releasing throughout the grow. The biggest issue i have with this method is that if you add too much, you are pretty much doomed, lol. It's a much easier adjustment mid-grow to add more than to take away what is already given. So, i'd start modestly, then slowly increase how many you use based on how much you had to supplement them throughout the grow. Also, the ratio of nutes in teh grow dots may just not be a good ratio, in which case they will never work smoothly on their own. if youwant that sort of low-maintenance no-till grow, i'd look into living/super soils. fyi, i've never been alerted before to a message on my profile page... Maybe, they fixed this? but, there's a chance i never get notified about these comments. i see another new one below i missed from mr binks green sleeves. 8 days ago - never notified by GD. DM's are the paper airplaine icon on the screen. or click "chat" above on my profile. As far as quality info - cocoforcannabis.com - read their guides and any article in dr photon's corner. Even though it mostly speaks of soilless growing methods, the information is relative to all grow methods.
Mr_Binks_Green_Sleevescommented7 months ago
Hi mate. Not sure how this website works just yet as im new here. But wanted to get hold of you. I dont know if i can message you. As the only person who has commented on my post id like to pick your brains a little about my set
00110001001001111Ocommented6 months ago
@Mr_Binks_Green_Sleeves, use the chat button on profile. Until the last comment, i've never been notified by GD of profile comments, so that is why i never replied to this 8 day old message. at this point i don't recall what i commented on - assume it was a grow question because i'm not too social on here otherwise, lol.
sanibelislcommented8 months ago
Dude so sorry the graph I made showing the the light specs were jumbled by the app. 452 is the peak blue spectrum and 660 red and 780 far red. The other numbers represent (umol’s/s). So I am so very sorry for you writing that novel on quantity per sq.m. In the future please short precise answers.
00110001001001111Ocommented8 months ago
@sanibelisl, I get zero updates about comments to the profile, so this is pure luck i am reading this. use a dm or comment anywhre else, and i'll get a notificationa bout it, but not here. My answers are as precise as they can be given the info provided. I don't see th eimage you speak of. you can read the wiki for the math equation. it's quite simple stuff. phones are not quantum meters. umol/s of PAR is 10x more imoprtant than fretting over CCT.
sanibelislcommented8 months ago
Thanks again for being redundant. Decided heavier saturation of 660-760nm was needed during late flowering. As for the phone app , notice taken but I do have to say that bouncing it off of manufacturers specifications it is more accurate than I expected. Not that lumens matter but it was spot on, same with cct spot on, so that leads me to believe it is more likely close than not. Co2 good!! Co2 not!! In a closet with louvre doors. And it’s five from the taint. lol!!
00110001001001111Ocommented8 months ago
@sanibelisl, it's going t0 read and give consistent values, and that's all that matters for how you are using it. if it reads "42" and that's where you find it is just dialed back from causing damage, then it's a good target to shoot for -- doesn't matter if it's really "42 dli" or not. However, you may need different targets for each light. that "35 dli" may actually be higher. if it too is at the point dialed back slightly from light damage, you can safely assume the two lights reading 42 and 35 are essentially providing similar DLI. this isn't opinion or a debate. it's mathematical fact. and it's a fact a phone can only read lumens/klux as it is not a quantum meter. So, it requires a conversion. Unless you have a light spectrometer, it's impossible to calculate a proper conversion factor. So, they use a "stock" factor that will generally work okay with most grow lights, since there's a fairly limited range of light properties, , especially nowadays with LED. All that thing is doing is reading klux then multiplying it by a factor to give a dLI reading... not unlike a "TDS" pen doesn't ever measure ppm. it is convereted EC using a factor which will vary by manufacturer. The ppm value is a figment. You can do the exact same thingn with lumens/klux and it will have the same error between grow lights as the "DLI" app. Also, if the app calculates DLI from 1 reading, that's retarded. It takes and average of many readings, greater quantity =greater accuracy, to competently measure DLI with a meter. Each individual measuremnt is merely a umol/s reading of PAR in that 1 spot. using your umol/s produced by the light is super easy to convert to a rough estimaet of DLI. It'll be more accurate than the phoen app for sure. divide it by m^2 then reference a DLi table. if it's close to your app reading, then it mean the app isn't far off. 42dli usually cause damage. So i would wager money it's reading high.
oldskoolkoolcommented8 months ago
If you don't believe hormones make much difference take a llok at my roots,if you haven't already.
00110001001001111Ocommented8 months ago
@oldskoolkool, No reason to take it personally. I used them for a couple years or more than stopped using them the last 3 years. Whatever difference it caused has been irrelevant to outcomes with clones. Regardless, once it's rooted it doesn't grow any better or worse than expected, so 1-2 days sliced off the initial rooting process is not that important out of a 90-100 day cycle. Certainly not the overpriced products that are out there. you can use any old indole-3-buteric acid or whatever it is. Not worth the effort nor the money. Plus, i've seen a lot of your answers stretching back to "drdee." I'm definitely not taking advice from you, bwahaha.