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Mrs_Larimarcommented2 years ago
Oh thats a nice one.... i love outdoor grows
likes 12

BostonGirlGrowscommented2 years ago
Plenty of time to get those plants big!!! 🌱
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m0usecommented2 years ago
Maybe I''ll do some outdoors this year,
@seedsman what stains are best for outdoors? I got cream n cheese 1:1 CBD, black sugar, peyote wifi CBD & pink kush CBD auto 30:1
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GYOweedcommented9 months ago
@m0use, i googled to get the old comp lol. It seems it was way too early maybe as harvests start mid September in northern hemisphere

m0usecommented2 years ago
@@GreenThumbedGrower, I will document it but only with a harvest entry not a full diary. It's just not worth all the time involved and has all the good bits. Pics, Harvest, Review. :D
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GreenThumbedGrowercommented2 years ago
@m0use, good luck with your grow dude. I'll keep an eye out on your page =) =)
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KnightRidercommented2 years ago
Im in for this, but need to warm up in the UK first
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KnightRidercommented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, it depends last year we had a good summer but tge year before was really wet, it swings in rounabouts. Most of the time its slugs and snails munching everything 😊
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DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@KnightRider, I guess UK bad bad for outdoor, all the best, you need it!
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AsNoriucommented2 years ago
@Naujas, no diary - no PROOF ;))))
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Gruenerfinger85commented2 years ago
Ich werde dieses Jahr das erste mal ein Outdoor Versuch unternehmen.✌️🏼
Peace Love and Harmonie.🌱
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DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Gruenerfinger85 I'm italian but now I live in Spain 😁

Gruenerfinger85commented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, Oh das ist sehr nice, dann hast du Deutschland richtig erlebt, das ist cool.
Wo kommst du her wenn ich fragen darf?
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DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@Gruenerfinger85, so nice, I lived in Germany for 2 years for work, in Cologne. Man, I love Germany!!
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GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
Don't forget they will be having their 420 sale very soon, so a great time to snag a special strain.
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DeepWaterGrowercommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, get one for me too
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GYOweedcommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, im looking for a Jaguar 420
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SlowpokeFuegobudcommented2 years ago
good luck, fearless outdoor people!! 💚 🐛 🦋
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m0usecommented2 years ago
So I transplanted the few clones of Peyote WiFi CBD from before, and are growing outside quite well. Guess I could create a diary and see how they fair in this contest.
I am just sick of the site not working and don't wanna give them more content when they can't fix their existing issues and more keep stacking.
Torn... plus my one bag got a hole in it, so I'll need a new one if I can't fix it...
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GYOweedcommenteda year ago

1Right_Anglecommented2 years ago
And it has begun! Have Fun Gang
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m0usecommented2 years ago
@1Right_Angle, good luck!
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Gorrilla420commented2 years ago
Started a diary on prepping this years Outdoor, already got few autos out in greenhouse and looking well, best of luck to everyone who enters👍
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ernest_twwgcommented2 years ago
Has there been a ruling on if we can start our plants inside or not?
My last frost isn't supposed to be until the middle of May, so am I safe to plant my seed for this contest at the beginning of May?
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Hashycommented2 years ago
@ernest_twwg, I'd start mine inside 1st before they go outside, I'd probably keep them inside for 2 or 3 weeks.
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m0usecommented2 years ago
@ernest_twwg, Most people give their plants an early start indoors as long as its only a few weeks I see no problems with this.
This is what I plan on doing if I enter this contest with a photoperiod/clone, if its an auto flower I will plant directly outside.

GreenThumbedGrowercommented2 years ago
@Resimax maybe you should enter this with your beast lol =)
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resimaxcommented2 years ago
@@GreenThumbedGrower, I entered it with my Purple Ghost Candy already, my only outdoor Seedsman grow at the moment :) Thanks bro!
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Doctor_Gonzocommented2 years ago
I will be entering this contest but currently have to wait for I just started the Fast Buds outdoor competition and don't want too many plants at the same time. When I do start this grow it will be a tri-cultivar comparison diary.
@seedsman cultivars that will be used for this competition are:
-Alaskan Diesel (auto)
-Lemon Auto (auto)
-Strawberry Cheesecake (auto)
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Seedsmancommented2 years ago
@Doctor_Gonzo, so exciting!
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m0usecommented2 years ago
OO a few of my clones survived from the indoor grow I just did. I think I will plant one of them outside and see how it does. Maybe gorilla garden the rest in some off site location.
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Seedsmancommented2 years ago
@m0use, that's great!
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m0usecommenteda year ago
Happy Halloween!
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BlessedGrowercommented2 years ago
Iam ready 🤘🤘
like last year.
Good luck guys 💞
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GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
Has anyone tried joining yet? Now that my seed has germinated, I figured I'd add it in now, or else I'm liable to forget. Says I don't have an eligible diary, which I technically do. Proper company, properly selected during diary creation, and set to be grown outdoors. (It will be after a brief time indoors, maybe 1-2 weeks, unless that's not allowed at all)
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m0usecommented2 years ago
@Seedsman, Nice glad to see its fixed

Seedsmancommented2 years ago
@m0use, you should be able now! Sorry for the delay...
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Seedsmancommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, you should now, sorry for the inconvenience caused!
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GYOweedcommented2 years ago
@seedsman i filtered for all outdoor harvested photoperiods from seedsman and wasn't impressed.
Im growing my select clone of Bubba CK outdoors.
That african buzz looks interesting for desert grow
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m0usecommented2 years ago
@GeOMaTTiC, no clue. I didn't follow most of what they were saying, but they did say you "can't" use, not [can] use solar lights. Still does not add up tough.

GeOMaTTiCcommented2 years ago
@m0use, I see the expert with all the tips has plenty to say, just it seems it is now only to himself. I'm still trying to figure out how using solar lights will make plants flower early, rather than continue to vegetate longer.
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m0usecommented2 years ago
@GYOweed, why would I waste energy outside with lights? The sun is free and way better.
Even if I move them inside, which I won't do, and put them in 48 hr darkness, that will not prevent them from going back into veg when the daylight continues to be longer then 12 hrs? The sun maybe set, but the light in dusk period is still very much there. Plus the amount of light bleed from the city is nuts, so much supplemental lighting everywhere. flood lights, lamps, other units, building logos that don't turn off its all way to bright, they always hermi from light pollution. Its just not worth all that effort,
I can legit let autos grow as is and not have to worry or do anything different and get results. I grow in containers and they work well for me, some suck sure, not all of them are garbage though, just have to find ones that work for you. If I had land and a plot of soil I would look into something else to make photoperiods work but till then autos solve my problems :D
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1Right_Anglecommented2 years ago
Seedsman Afghan… became a Male. Oops, switched to their DR. CBD strain !
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1Right_Anglecommented2 years ago
@m0use,Thanks all the same Mouse. Appreciate the info, big-time !
I’ve Peyote - WiFi, looking forward to it…

m0usecommented2 years ago
@1Right_Angle, their peyote wifi CBD grew well for me and the nugs were frosty AF. granted its not a pure CBD its a 1:2 thc:cbd ratio.
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1Right_Anglecommented2 years ago
This one recovered nicely and looked to be strong with solid growth.
Till the testicle thing happened.
This was my first CHOICE at a CBD grow, i’ve a few different ones to turn to…
Thanks for speaking-up, i’ll bug you later
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Scarface_007commented2 years ago
Can you participate with my tropical poison xl auto
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Natronacommented2 years ago
@Scarface_007,you will love ❤️ this smoke when you finally grow her.

ernest_twwgcommented2 years ago
@Scarface_007, Are they from Seedsman?
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