Vote Now 🏆 for the Grow Awards 2025!

  • All video’s / images have to be unique and never been used before on social media platforms and/or on the internet.
  • Super Sativa Seed Club strains only

Super Sativa Video Contest

Shipped by Sponsors
27 Videos participating
7 months ago

Hello wonderful growers at GD!

We welcome everyone to join our new grow competition from Super Sativa Seed Club.

Everyone can be a winner and we have a total prize pool of € 1850,- worth in seeds! The only thing that you will have to do is make a great quality HR video from your Super Sativa plants in full flower. (1 > 3 min max) Big frosty buds are most exciting to see! :))

We ship world wide but don't guarantee delivery outside the EU.

You can choose 3 seeds from our feminized or autoflower collection.

Growers who will also show a full grow report at GD will receive a bonus of 10 free seeds when finished.

Send us an email with the desired strain and delivery address to: [email protected]

For questions contact Shelby or Johnny, we are here to help you out, see email or IG.

After submitting your images Super Sativa Seed Club reserves the rights to use this content on our websites, social media platforms, online and print.


Acceptance of applications for participation in the competition stops after March 27, 2024.


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Zurban_Poisoncommenteda year ago
If I understand everything correctly, then to participate in this competition you need to send a letter of request to your email. I did just that. I hope I'm lucky and chosen as a participant. new question appears. 4 months duration of the competition. 9 days have already passed. Until all participants receive seeds, it will take another couple of weeks, I think. and the question is, is 3 months not enough for feminized or regular varieties, yes, I understand that it can be done, but the buds will not be the same and the quality will not be the same..
MiyaguiOkPolillacommenteda year ago
@Zurban_Poison, i wanna know about this 4 months... I didnt read this 🤯 Im sure if you are gonna be selected growmie, your grows are massive!
nonick123commenteda year ago
I have selected and received Auto Northern Dragon Fuel. Seems amazing! 😍😍😍 Thanks SSSC for this contest! @miyaguiokpolilla @dogdoctorofficial
MiyaguiOkPolillacommenteda year ago
@nonick123, beautyfull things are coming! 💐💐💐
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
@nonick123, yeahhh buddy this is a fun one my friend and one with great genetics 💚💚💚 growers love buddy and have fun 💚💚💚
m0usecommenteda year ago
So I have a feeling this contest is not being advertised as per normal. as no one is here, Going go post it on all the main pages.
m0usecommented10 months ago
Gruenerfinger85commenteda year ago
@m0use, komisch ich habe erst vor paar Tagen geschaut da war von diesem Wettbewerb nix veröffentlicht.
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m0usecommenteda year ago
@Do_it_Dan, very nice, I almost went with Black Lebanon, I gave them a list of 5 and said pick w/e ones they want. So I will see what 1-3 strains they sent in a bit. 1)Kosher Haze 2)Crystal White Kush 3)Super Mad Sky Floater 4)Pineapple Poison 5)TNT Trichome I was going to put strawberry chemdog OG but I just did a bunch of strawberry strains and some of the other ones I picked have OG in the mix. The TNT one sounds tasty with coffee and sour grapes as the tasteing notes. wonder if thats also the aromas,
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Do_it_Dancommenteda year ago
Good luck everyone involved I've applied just waiting on response ✌️💚
Grey_Wolfcommenteda year ago
I chose Strawberry cookies 😁 hope it turns out as good as it sounds 🙏
Hempface86commenteda year ago
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
The eagle as landed , Thank you Super Sativa Seed Club for so fast delivering 💚💚💚 growers love my friends 💚💚💚
MiyaguiOkPolillacommenteda year ago
El correo me dio ayer una sorpresa increíble, llegué a casa luego de un duro día de trabajo y al ver el paquete me volví loco 🕺🕺🕺 Un gran saludo y nos vemos en nuestros próximos seguimientos hermanos 🤜🤛 Keep It IRIE
cheech87commenteda year ago
🤗🤗 Super freue mich hier mit machen zu können 🤗🤗
Storkcommenteda year ago
I'm excited about this contest and keen on cultivating pure sativa. Any suggestions for 90-100% sativa feminized strains would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 😊
Nicogreencommented7 months ago
@Stork, så vi men må bide i det sure æble og indrømme at jeg fik lavet en kæmpe fejl fik trykket meld fra konkurrencen så kan jeg ik engang komme ind lå på en 5plads
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
@Stork, all are great buddy, trust me they are all solid genetics and they have a bunch of Sativas i am sure you will find the one you love in there 💚💚💚 growers love my friend and best pf luck 💚💚💚
Sadhuscommenteda year ago
Je ne sais pas si j'ai correctement fait la démarche pour participer 🤨
Belgiums_basement_budzcommenteda year ago
Good luck and happy growing everyone 🌱🎉💪🏻
DogDoctorOfficialcommenteda year ago
hell yeah i love this , among the best genetics around best of luck you all 💚💚💚 growers love guys and thank you SSSC for doing this one you guys rock 💚💚💚
Brujo_grdncommenteda year ago
Oh my 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Good luck everyone 💪💪💪
burnercoronacommenteda year ago
This could be a fun one
Belgiums_basement_budzcommenteda year ago
Gorilla super glue seeds are in the ground as we speak,to bad that the first badge of seeds got lost in the mail,nothing to do about it,I’ll probably won’t be able to finish them completely before the end of the contest but that doesn’t affect the joy of growing these genetics Good luck everyone Happy growing 🌱✌️🍁
Belgiums_basement_budzcommenteda year ago
@Nicogreen, yes that would be really great if this would happen,but even it it doesn’t happen I’m already happy to grow their genetics,haven’t grown a gorilla strain in the last few years so really looking forward to it
Astroboycommenteda year ago
@Belgiums_basement_budz, heyhey same here wont be done in time but we still going to get rewarded. :) Growers who will also show a full grow report at GD will receive a bonus of 10 free seeds when finished.
Nicogreencommenteda year ago
@Belgiums_basement_budz, præcis ven. Når jeg ser på insta gram er jeg også tilmeldt. Men ja det giver jo meget god mening at din dagbog skal være færdig da det en video konkurrence. Hvis du har lyst til at skrive lidt mere. Så skriv til mig privat mit arbejde er at sælge gødning for terra power nutriens er den eneste der sælger dette produkt i Danmark og sælger også frø og klister mærker og merchandise plus har mulighed for at hjælpe med sponsor deal for gødning. Men skriv endelig tilbage hvis det har interesse ven. 🙏🏼
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Zurban_Poisoncommented10 months ago
The competition is already in its second month and still no one can add their diary to participate. @growdiaries are you going to do something about this? I understand that nothing depends on the organizer @supersativaclub in this case and the problem is that the website is not working correctly. Instead of choosing a diary to participate in, you are asked to select a photo, after which an error is displayed. when are you going to fix this? When will all the competition deadlines be over?
Zurban_Poisoncommented10 months ago
@@justsomedude420,Over the last 2-3 months, no one has particularly considered it necessary to explain themselves to the community of representatives of this platform. I don’t know what’s wrong, but it seems like they just don’t care.
justsomedude420commented10 months ago
@Zurban_Poison, I would like to know the same things... my bruce lemon diesel just broke ground today so hopefully I'll be able to participate 🤷
m0usecommented10 months ago
Hopefully they will extend this contest till end of Oct/Dec to help with all the errors and people getting the seeds a little bit later then expected. But honestly if I was SSSC, I would not run it on GD and just host it on twitter/insta or something. Less errors.
Nicogreencommented10 months ago
@m0use, det da en mærkelig konkurrence da de ikke reagere på beskeder :/ hmm..
m0usecommenteda year ago
First :D Good Luck Everyone!
Nicogreencommented7 months ago
@m0use, og i lige måde growmie 😉 looking good for you not me make a big mistake nd pusher My self out under a mistake. But now i can not get them to ansawer ore help me in again
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Sadhuscommenteda year ago
Weedig_Weedigsoncommenteda year ago
This will be a cool one! Happy growing everyone. Strawberry Cookies is on the Way!