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Burmesecommented4 years ago
I always enjoy reading answers.Everyone has different tastes.Good luck everyone... ✌️
likes 8
BudXscommented4 years ago
Man is back with a vengeance. Dont sleep, suckas
likes 5
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@BudXs, new nickname that rhymes with dorky , i think this one will stick 😂
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented4 years ago
@BudXs, 😉
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Stonerdcommented4 years ago
Love to see new point of views, and learned lots!!
Good luck to all the participants!! and happy growing :)
likes 5
CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
GOM is all about mind games, stay hard folks keep up the good work 🚀
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CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, dont understand a word you're saying but you're welcome to suck my dick like nobodysbudsness 👍
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CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds,😆😆😆😆 fuck it play the mind games to win it all . Merry GROWmas to all !
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rAUScHcommented4 years ago
Alles Gute dem Gewinner, auch wenn ich nicht sehen kann wer es ist. 😂
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The8thChevroncommented4 years ago
@@rAUScH, somehow I took 3rd even though I was 5th when the contest ended? Kinda sucks because I was purposely trying not to place in this round 🤦♂️🏻
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented4 years ago
Well played. 😉
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, 😉
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CRiSPrGrowcommented4 years ago
@organoman , i see you're learning a lot like i did, but also a lot of wrong or even counter productive advice. if it's a new thing for you to grow you should absolutely let others know about this, because you can cause a lot of harm with overconfidence and wrong answers, get me or maybe i'm wrong about that?
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GMSgrowscommented4 years ago
@ORGANOMAN,yo bro, I've been growing for 45 yrs and still got another 20 or more I imagine before im to old for this work anymore. Really ain't much work with the kiss method and using floranova series nutes. Just the hand trimming the indoor plants is a pain in the butt. Outdoor gets the auto trimmer. Grow on and teach others the simplicity of this plant. I'm only on in the morning and I answer pm's for the most part and try to get a few answers out there. Let others know how effective floranova series are and how easy to use. That is a big help for beginners in itself. Grow on bro.
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GMSgrowscommented4 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Organoman grows some nice plants. Anyone that uses floranova grow knows more than most in my books. Grow on bro
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DoDrugs420commented4 years ago
@ORGANOMAN, makes sense, but if you don't know about something for sure, just add a "I'm not sure about this one..." or "This one needs confirmation, if anyone can confirm..." (i will usually confirm if i know about said subject, no point on double answering) but at least it lets the grower know its an opinion that has a higher chance of not being right than the average answer by any grower, i take this route a lot sometimes even if i'm sure but because its a multiple answer subject i dont want to be giving guarantees and get that on my concience, sometime i don't even answer cuz i don't wanna even be adding 1 answer to that topic without adding solutions, cuz having 0 answer will certainly bait some other growers into taking a look and they may have the answer, but if you're the first one answering, and you answer confidently, and you happen to give a wrong guess for being a somewhat unknown topic, sometimes them people just close up the question right away and follow the advice, even if its wrong and ends up killing their plant.
This taken outta da way, welcome to the family bro, are u in the group chat yet?
When you win in the contest i just wanna let you know they will take about a month or so to ship, or at least about 2 weeks to close the contest and another one for shipping.
These shirts sure are confy as fk, just don't get the size over because they are already big enough so getting your right size will still allow for a confy fit.
And a piece of advice, pick the gorilla cookies as one of the packs, if you get the purple pheno on one of those sumbitches you are in for a treat.
About the unnecessary products pushed by companies, i belive some do it, but others put in the research and actually try to get something good for the grower, sometimes it just gets hard to distinguish between wich one is doing what exactly, but yeah most of them will push unecessary products, because they saw other comapanies making money off of it and decided to build stock aswell, then the market is saturated with a useless product so they push it with marketing but in the end those who end up spending the extra dime on useless shit are the ones who actually want to push the plants into the max, while you can grow a plant with nature only, some want to use the fruits of all of the years of research our species as done as a whole to push the boundaries of what is possible or not, it may help out in the evolution of the cannabis species or it may not, we may never know that, but our future generations will, who's to say someday they may evolve to actually require nutrient supplementation as a result of how much nutrients we keep pumping into plants that then get bred to produce new generations.
alright alright i'm already picking up speed with this shit, if i don't stop typing now i may be stuck in here typing this msg forever, stay lit growmie.
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DoDrugs420commented4 years ago
The leaderboard is correct, however its in January 2021 GOTM, not in this one. The trophy also happens to be from January 2021, you can check that on my profile.
Smh the contests information got mashed up. @growdiaries
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DoDrugs420commented4 years ago
@Nor_Cal_Kannabliss, nah m8, i didn't win after all, must've withdrawn by accident or questions got removed and my points lowered, but in august it took till about mid next month(after end of contest) to get contacted, so i belive it shouldn't take too long for them to get in touch.
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented4 years ago
@DoDrugs420, I still haven't even been contacted about the contest win... Have you?
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DoDrugs420commented4 years ago
Confused look.
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented4 years ago
Woah, like yeah 3 people disappeared.
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Nor_Cal_Kannablisscommented4 years ago
@growdiaries or @fast_buds anyone know what's up with the prizes??