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Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
Good luck to all collecting your prize!!
September here and still waiting!!
likes 5

Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@Papa_T, We're so happy to have this resolved and we hope you enjoy your prizes!🙌
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Papa_Tcommented3 years ago
@Fast_Buds, yes I probably missed that email in my junk folder back when.
I’ve replied to Anastasia. I look forward to growing a few 420 beans. Thank you for getting back to me.
Have a great day 🤙

Fast_Budscommented3 years ago
@GD_Enforcer, This winner was contacted months ago at the same time as all the other winners. We are awaiting his response as it seems he has missed our initial communication. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
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Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
Ahhh my monthly dose of drama is renewed..
agreed new accounts with no diaries will catch shit 99% of the time.. as they should
likes 6

Hashycommented3 years ago
Hope everyone I tried to help out had success with my answers this month. A month of no major dramas in the comments section.
likes 5

CanarianGrow92commented3 years ago
@Hashy, alright, i thought maybe it was just me, but all good, thanks for letting me know my friend, happy growing 👍🌱
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Hashycommented3 years ago
@CanarianGrow92, don't worry about it yet mate. Grow diaries have only just passed on November's winners to the sponsors. So some time near end of next month I would have thought ours will get passed onto the sponsor.
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CanarianGrow92commented3 years ago
@Hashy, hey hashy, any news about the prize you heard something? Its almost end of January and i still didn't heard anything 😔
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CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@hashy stop cheating @hashy
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Chow_13commented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, No point, Just pure boredom.

CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, idrk what you're on about but it's funny to me , like what's the point

Chow_13commented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Oh no I am not implying anything. I am just saying there are no visible diaries. So where do you stand Presumption of Innocence or Fuck that they are guilty
Chances are higher that your correct with her not having anything logged.
Chances are higher that this account is an alternate account of someone that has won in the last 3 month's.
Chances are higher that @CanarianGrow92 has not even grown a fast bud's strain but will win some money with his second picture in the meme diary.
Wait what,,,,where did that come from
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Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
One month when I have time I’m gonna have a run at this and then upload a video of me with the prize beans just dumping them in the toilet and flushing.. really piss some folks off
likes 3

greenhousegrowgirlcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, @CRiSPrGrow, I'm with you both. There are some proper grinches on here! If I am every lucky enough to win, I'm hoping I will get my prizes actually shipped out but I don't plan on whining. Yes, perhaps a better job could be done here with communicating to winners, but the extent to which people are going on and on is ridiculous!
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CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, lol fuck yeah man, or do what i do and just give them out
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TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@hashy stacking them answers 👊
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Hashycommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, got or had a little free time so helping out. Not that many major issues this month so far.
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Hempy_The_Kidcommented3 years ago
I don't even remember answering any questions this month yet.. how did I get one?
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hempy_the_kid, and others already have several selected answers, but their not on the board. Lol
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Hashycommented3 years ago
To stoned to think of a witty response. I'll get back to you on that one.
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
Here we go again. Now that they have this reset, I will humbly sit back and let you guys and gals go after your prize pack. I can see Hashy peddling that wheel so hard, its spitting rubber...He gonna burn that wheel off... Go my friend...👍👍
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, It didn't last month or Robert's may have won first place
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Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, I thought once the comp started all questions in the month got added.
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, Keep at it bro...
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IVXV_IVXVcommented3 years ago
Can i join?
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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@IVXV_IVXV,Sure can. Just answer questions, and if they select your answer., your in.
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auto420commented3 years ago
Good luck...🤩
likes 2