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Grower of the Month October 2021

Worldwide by Sponsors
72 Growers participating
3 years ago

Grower Of The Month contest aims at highlighting the effort of users brought to expanding our community. Vote for most helpful members, most positive attitude and most valuable mentoring skills.

How & When

  • prizes shipped worldwide by Sponsors
  • winners are picked by number of points received for answering Grow Questions
  • only selected answers to Grow Questions with diaries are counted
  • THREE winners


Latest Comments

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GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
It would be nice to see some real useful offered as prizes once in a while, like good lights, thc testing kits, nutrients, additives and such..
Ezzjaybruhcommented3 years ago
@Hashy, exactly my thought
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@Hashy, LMAO
Hashycommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, the cheating for seeds is bad enough imagine what it would be like for free equipment.
Seedsmancommented3 years ago
Good luck to everyone! 😀
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@Seedsman, Loving the new website look Seedsman :) Great job :) Also a question do you have a discount for Cancard holders ? or is that a thing of the past ? Also awesome that your seeds are the only ones on sale now :)
SpiderMitecommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, Well if a big fat cola can't crush me. I'm sure i can handle a few seeds.💪
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@@SpiderMite, It's quite a long shot for someone so small wouldn't a seed crush you ? 😅
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TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
Offfffttt that was a close one :) dang god knows how I managed to snatch that :) Congrats @@NobodysBuds
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, you had a rather large headstart to me so i done well to get from 0 answers upto 3rd place :)
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@@@NobodysBuds, Lol I did win tyvvm @nobodysBuds
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@@@NobodysBuds, yeah my other one went down by one too if mine does means everyones will so lol plus your answers now dont count so i dont get how they can change it along with having a finishing time I mean whats the point in finishing it if the standings dont stand ?
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Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
Boa sorte a todos os que vão participar :) Agradeço o trabalho de detetive sempre que possível 😂🙏 @CRiSPrGrow @Ezzjaybruh
Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Este concurso e uma grande porcaria. Retiraram as classificações para não haver possibilidade de ver esses batoteiros. Que já da para ver quem são, logico.
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Grow3rPT, the fake ass people are already starting cheating it seems 😪 stay hard growmie : "cant keep a good man down" that's what we say 🚀
Grow3rPTcommented3 years ago
@Ezzjaybruh, Todos nos cometemos erros na vida, seja o no que for. Temos e que ser homens para assumir e provar que somos boas pessoas Muito provável nao vencer este concurso, por ja vejo contas fakes a serem feitas e perguntas estranhas. O mal disto tudo esta no @Growdiaries Abraço a todos
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Chow_13commented3 years ago
Congratulations @@NobodysBuds I thought i had it with ease, but you came out of nowhere and almost caught up. @TheUk420Show and @BeautifulCraftRreddit it was an exciting battle for 3rd. Thank you @Seedsman and @Growdiaries for this contest. Good luck to all growers next month
PedoAlertcommented3 years ago
Such a close race for third place!
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, Really Chicken “Chow” Mein. What are we in high school? Grow up! You keep saying I cheated. Please tell me how did a cheat? You can’t!!!! Why, because I didn’t cheat. I have answered questions from the start of this month and rightfully earned my standing.
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Yeah I have a similar thing going on with the "Winner" of this contest I say winner in brackets cause pretty sure he cheated. Chicken "Chow" Mein Im talking about. but Dr never done nowt to me so i cant radiate hate for no reason I also dont batt for that team so I cant comment really on his feelings for you. They must be strong if he's harassing you. Reverse phycology pulling the pretty girls hair kinda mentality :P
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, yeah man this fucking guy @doctorgreenthumb has been in my DMs trying to get my dick in his mouth for months now... honestly i wished @growdiaries would end this internet harrasment but it's like ... only online, so if it gets annoying i just block or ignore it lol meanwhile this sad fuck is at home being racist and getting on his keyboard lmfao what a pansy as clown... plus i mean he's been cheating right and left on this contest asking people for like and just generally being a thirsty cunt so ... what to do...
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BB_UKcommented3 years ago
Funny the old culprits are not even in the ranking aye! #SUS
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, just wanted to say my piece! And leave it there lol it’s not that deep gromie! Happy growing 🙌🏽💚
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@BB_UK, it's not like she did it on purpose though... and like you said they're not in the standings right ? so i dont really see the issue so i'm not fussed at all...
BB_UKcommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, 😂😂 exactly! Please don’t excuse them! Thank you! Ppl have won back to back months! My statement stands looool
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Kush_queencommented3 years ago
Said I was participating but now says I am not I give up 🙄🙄🤣💚
Kush_queencommented3 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thank you 💚🙏 it says I am participating again now so I might be I might not eitherway I am happy growing my beautiful girls and helping wherever I can have a blessed day
CRiSPrGrowcommented3 years ago
@Kush_queen, dont worry, just keep doing what you're doing usually the scores will be displayed / fixed in the end. keep faith and win this thing, or give up now and you'll never know what may be 🚀 good luck to you if you are participating, i hope you have plenty of help to share with the community. 🚀
Kush_queencommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I had 3 solutions and my name and diary was there and entered but for some reason it has vanished and I am not participating 🤷‍♀️ I am here to document my grow if I feel I can give honest advise I always will happily but to help not for any other reason sadly there seems to be alot of bad advice and as you say I am gonna tell you what is best for your plants not what you want to hear probably why I have 3 solutions and not more 😂😂😂 thanks for your reply 🙏 💚
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@Growdiaries I would like to report “TheUk420Show” for attempting to cheat . By making false accusations against another user within her answer. This was a failed attempt to sway the inquirers selected answer but still cheating. TheUk420Show answered grow question 6 days ago Even though the grower below me is a cheater he is correct this time. That's way too much water when they are this tall you only water around the base of the plant not the whole medium and then wait for it to dry out before watering again that way they will grow normally it will still grow its just going to take a while to recover I would try up the humidty if you can that might speed it up abit when dried out. Perlite is designed to hold onto water for a very long time so watering alot is only going to attract nasties and drown your plant :) Try upping the temp abit too that can help dry the soil out quicker :) Best of luck anyway im sure you will do really well :) TheUk420Show answered grow question 7 days ago Oh and heads up if a person called Chow answers this question I would not take his answer seriously he has been reported by several growers for cheating in the contest so please take this in mind when selecting an answer nobody likes a cheater :)
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
God they have fucked this right up I have been answering questions alot and im not even on here when i have atleast 5 selected answers grow diaries havnt got a clue what tney are doing unfair and pretty much fucking pointless !
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, They should have a tab that has USERS WHO ARE READY TO HELP, so people can come directly to us. That way peeps can see those with results, when looking for someone that can help. They could have growers ready to help under different titles., soil growers, cocoa growers, peat growers, water growers. They could then do away with this contest that just breeds cheaters, and lots of fake accounts. On our personal page, they could have number of users Nobodybuds has helped. That would seem like more of a reward to me, than watching people bicker over a stupid contest out of helping people.
Chow_13commented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, My bad, I assumed that was the case. No it just makes it more work for them. So are the 5 selected answers you have with diaries them? If you already knew this its making me wonder if I have more answers then it shows.
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, That has always been a rule. That does not deter cheaters anyway.
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SpiderMitecommented3 years ago
Yummy! I love infesting seedman plants.😍
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@GMSgrows, Good on you brother I just keep him away to begin with :) He will never get past my many doors ;) if I ever did get them i would employ lady birds to gobble him up ;)
GMSgrowscommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, I like to spray him with soapy water and watch him smother.
SpiderMitecommented3 years ago
@TheUk420Show, Like I give a fuck!😁
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Chow_13commented3 years ago
Good luck everybody. @Seedsman Would this be any seed from the website or only "seedsman" brand seeds?
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@Hashy, Don't waste your time with this guy he likes to dig up personal info on growers best blocked :)
Hashycommented3 years ago
@Chow_13, I would imagine just seedsman seeds and not other breeders. There seeds are quite good.
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
Thank you everyone for selecting my answers :) As I said I willbe sharing my prize with Crafty cause hes a nice guy :) though thanks again for making it possible. You guys Rock ! Thanks to GD team for hosting the contest and thanks to @seedsman for providing the fantastic prizes :) Good luck to all those taking part this month may the grow answer gods be with you :) Rock on dudes and dudettes :)👊
TheUk420Showcommented3 years ago
@DoctorGreenThumb, Haha it's abit smelly maybe I need a shower :P
bySunnyDcommented3 years ago
How do I enter?