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Tutorial Competition

Worldwide by Sponsors
79 Videos participating
5 years ago

Happy Holidays, Family!

We know that there are many skillful growers on GD! Why not share your knowledge with the community and compete for some amazing prizes?

In this contest, we will be selecting the best grow tutorials!

  • Do you know how to assemble a grow box?
  • Got some interesting DIY to share?
  • Are you an expert in training plants?
  • Do you have a special soil mix recipe?

Any video tutorial that is related to growing cannabis works!


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GrowDiariescommented5 years ago
Hi Growers! We had to extend the selecting winners time. Please excuse the inconvenience caused.
F4m0u5commented5 years ago
@GrowDiaries,means more time spent picking winner!! Ty for opportunity
removed_36152commented5 years ago
@GrowDiaries, you guys should do this one again :)
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@GrowDiaries,plus c'est long plus c'est bon 😁no problem πŸ™
Ganjagrandaddycommented5 years ago
My long winded attempt was to hopefully give some confidence to trying LST and training without fear of ruining your crops. Tie them up and show them who's the grower and who's in control. lol Some big colas come from damaged limbs...
Ganjagrandaddycommented5 years ago
@Smithsgrow420,Thisbia what I mean bud. We need to be able to show how we grow so anyone can replicate and get the same results. I learnt so much from other growers and still do now. Knowing how scary it is a new grower to try stuff you only hear about in bits and comments. drudgingnthrough weeks of diaries to find when training was 1st done but no explanation of what was actually done , wont inspire confidence to try. If we could actually "Show" our real life methods in real live grows then more people would join the yield hunters movement I live for this stuff and love helping new growers get their nerves under control and actively growing. Merry Christmas mate
Smithsgrow420commented5 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, my beast was all from HST and topping uncontrollable. Make them so strong, they can really take the loadsπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
416firemancommented5 years ago
Wow I expect to see some talent at work right here!!! Happy growing and stay lit fam πŸ”₯πŸ’£πŸ’₯
Buddeegrowerscommented5 years ago
Good luck to everyone entering the competition! Hopefully our videos can help other growers too! My tutorisl is on making bubble hash made with the remaining mixed trim from the last harvest. πŸ’š
Buddeegrowerscommented5 years ago
@Lionsshare, go for it ! 😎 you will get some nice return back.
Lionssharecommented5 years ago
@@Buddeegrowers,got to see that 1st time around I made vape oil been saving some trim since then and been wondering about bubble hash.
DarwinTHCcommented5 years ago
Muy muy buena idea demasiado interesante.
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@DarwinTHC, great vid man, love the cannapot DiY πŸ‘Œ
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
J'arrive 😊
DarwinTHCcommented5 years ago
@Master_weeda,moi aussi
Vincent11commented5 years ago
Hi everyone good luck to all participants. I personally think here in GD are some of the best Tutorial videos on the internet. Happy Growing
And I only say this as most of what I learned has been on grow diaries through a majority of masters who have taken their time and helped me understand things! So maybe grow diaries should do a masters appreciation competition where we are the jury’s and vote for the best master β€œone with the plant” meaning literally vote and say why we voted and they get the appreciation they deserve rather than just a rank! Just an idea πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ½
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@www_dot_allgrownup_dot_co they made you a contest growmie, plenty of talent here though, let's see
Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
Good luck on this one the completion will be crazy ..
MisterMikecommented5 years ago
For all you Indoor growers out there with limited space.. The time has come to rid yourself of that old nasty dirt you've been growing in your entire lives and try some new age SPACETECH NASA style shit!! I know you're probably thinking DAMN MIKE I'm not a rocket scientist I CAN'T POSSIBLY DO THAT!! Well you're wrong!!! Check out the AEROTECH LABS new tutorial video I uploaded so you too can learn to make your very own HYBRID LOW PRESSURE AERO/DWC AUTOSTATION! After all who doesn't like getting around some Elon musk style space shit!
MisterMikecommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow Cheers homie. We appreciate your support, and just wanna say a huge thanks to grow diaries and all the others peeps who got involved to make these danke ass competitions possible! Much love peeps
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@MisterMike, very cool , happy you two won this one with that demo !
This competition is one to follow! I’m sure to learn so much just watching the entries πŸ’―
Ganjagrandaddycommented5 years ago
@STAYINGONMYMAINCBATORUNTWOMade,fellow brit here mate. If you need any help at all and want to play with your girls. hit me up anytime. always happy to offer any tips in have stolen/heard/used ect... Not an expert but I do know my ladies and have been growing a long time too. Always welcome to ask questions in my diaries and I will respond too. loce this new comp. could turn up some great info and tricks hopefully
GIJOSEcommented5 years ago
Thank you guys so much! I am totally stoked! Cheers G.I.JOSE
Vincent11commented5 years ago
Some great tutorials in here good luck to everyone involved. Some crazy 😜 good prices awaits the lucky winners.
WildeWeedcommented5 years ago
Some really good videos already. I think I’m gonna have to throw my hat in and give this a shot also. Seems fun. I love sharing what little bit I know.
Wasn’t going to join this as I thought I had nothing to show BUT I have made a video which involves air flow and odour elimination for indoor growers (mainly UK)
GreenFingeredGuerillacommented5 years ago
I got something I could upload, I recently built my own bud box for my first ever indoor grow as I usually grow outdoors.. Good luck to everyone who enters πŸ‘πŸ»
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
I have taken confidence πŸ˜‰ I feel the strength to invade me I need this title πŸ’ͺπŸ†πŸ‘
Astroboycommented5 years ago
Now that's a contest
Wachsemiliancommented5 years ago
hell yeah !!!!!!!!!πŸ’ͺπŸ‘