what kind of soil do you use? is it prefertilized (and if so, how long have they been in there?)
They look quite dark and a bit burnt, but i would say it makes no sense flushing them if you don't have an EC meter and can measure it well..
also this would most likely shock the plant a bit, so i would just feed them PH'd water.
Most manufacturers claim to use way too many nutrients, so it's always best to lower it down a bit.
Here's a great article about this (especially if you grow in soil): https://www.mandalaseeds.com/Guides/Fertilizing-Smart-Guide
also don't switch to bloom-nutrients at the beginning of bloom, because the plants first go through the stretching phase, where they will require quite a bit of nitrogen, which most bloom-nutrients lack. move over to bloom-nutrients only when they stopped stretching and started building their buds.
happy growing!