This is caused by your plant being nearly dead and over-matured. What is happening is that as one final, last ditch effort, unfertilized female cannabis plants can, as yours has, have one more late flush of fresh calyxes with white pistils in an attempt to get "pregnant"/fertilized. This near death stage can also cause female plants to start producing male flowers for the same reason - to get pregnant and make sure there is a next generation of plants. When a female plant is fertilized, hormones will change and in a way "tell the plant" that it is "pregnant". When grown for seedless flower production, obviously this "pregnancy" hormone doesn't get activated. So, as the plant is nearing death and there still has been no "pregnancy" hormone released, your plant "thinks" - holy cow, I will have no children (seeds) to carry on the line, so I have nothing to lose, lets make some very late and very last few new flower calyxes in the optimistic hope of getting pregnant. And if this doesn't work, by a miracle of nature, I might just grow some male flowers too, so as to increase my chances of making children/seeds.
It really isn't something to be concerned over, it is not a deficiency, however, it is a good indication that your plant is near death and over matured. Once all the pistils have browned off, your plant is by then past its' peak in health/vitality and flowers from these "left to the bitter end" plants usually produce a heavy sleepy stone with little or no "high" due to most of the THC breaking down into CBD and CBN, because the plants metabolism has slowed to a crawl and can not support any new THC synthesis. Some people prefer this heavy sleepy stone, personally, I harvest when there are still roughly 5% white pistils left, as I prefer a more up type of high and not drowsy couch locking sedative and "dirty" stone. But, to each their own!
Hope this helps,... Organoman.