Unfortunately, your pictures show flowers full of seeds and double unfortunately, because the horse has well and truly bolted. For the seeds to be the size they already are, pollen release would have occurred about 3 weeks ago. At this stage there is very little you can do. Basically you have two options, either chop it down or let it finish growing her seedy flowers. As pollen release was some weeks ago already, all your other plants will no doubt be carrying seeds too.
I noticed in your diary that you have described one of your plants as "custom breeder/strain". I was wondering if this is code for "bag seed"? If so, this shows the danger of growing "bag seeds" as for a mostly seed free flower to have one or two seeds here and there means the plant that grew the flowers with the random seeds had turned/became hermaphroditic to make the male flowers to provide the pollen to make the (bag)seeds. Seeds from hermaphroditic plants will carry dominant genes to become hermaphroditic themselves, therefore growing "bag seeds" carries with it an increased risk of growing plants predisposed to growing male flowers. If this plant is not from "bag seeds" then it is just plain old bad luck to have a plant do this. Remember, the seeds from any plants you are now growing will be carrying dominant genes for hermaphroditism, so growing your plants to maturity in the hope of collecting seeds for future crops is also pointless, as they will grow into plants that are hermaphrodites too. Hope this helps,... Organoman.