Molasses is BS.
Use fulvic or humic acid, 1000 times more beneficial and actually does something good for your plant.
Sugar syrup (molasses) has no scientific value to your plant and is an "old wives tale"/myth, perpetuated by hippies 50 years ago and should have died out 49 years ago. The nutrient companies must be laughing all the way to the bank!
There is no way sugar water can enhance ANYTHING your plant does or requires.
Do/have bags of sugar ever fallen from the sky and landed next to cannabis plants for them to evolve with this supposed "enhancer"?
The idea that giving sugar will promote "sugar" (trichome) production is laughable.
For a start, sugar is water soluble, cannabinoids are oil based. Secondly, there is no nutritional content in molasses that the plant can use or indeed, ever need.
Hope this helps,....... Organoman.