In a mainly soil type grow, a pH of 7 isn't that bad and I wouldn't really be stressed about it.
True nutrient "lock-out" does not occur until the pH is over 7.5 or under 5.5.
As long as the plant is healthy and growing well, why worry..........nothing in nature is perfect and cannabis has survived for millenia unaided.
Concentrate more on getting your feeding and watering right, this will give bigger results than tiny adjustments of the soil pH ever will.
I spent the first 10 years of my growing life trying to get everything perfect, but for the last 30 have been content with being "in the ball park" and have not noticed any difference in quality or yields, healthy plants are THE key and a soil pH of 6.5 will not affect outcomes that any home gardener will ever be able to tell as compared to growing in soil at 7.0.
pH is only super critical in inert/hydroponic type grows where the fertilizers used are only available in a very narrow pH range.
Otherwise if you just can't cope with 7.0, top dressing the pots with peat moss will slowly and gently lower the pH, but by the time its gets down to 6.2, your plants will probably be ready for harvest. Sulfur is another amendment that will acidify soil, but it must be used slowly and gradually. You will find it in garden centres as an additive for "acid loving" plants such as Azaleas.
Water with low pH alone will not change the pH of soil.