
Should I remove yellow leaves? I under fed nutes and my ppm in tap water were too high, using distilled now, wait till after recharge or jus remove leaves?

Dillsnillsstarted grow question 3 years ago
Should I remove the yellow leaves? Pretty sure my tap water is too hard and I underfed on nutes, I gave a dose of nutes yesterday, doesn't seem to be turning anymore yellow, I have realgrowersrecharge coming am watering w that next, remove leaves or wait and see after recharge?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Feeding. Deficiences
Daffie_Tokeanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hey friend i dont do it because when i strip leaves from my autos even when they are yellow the buds start stretching apart , not foxtailing but the stem between the buds start stretching
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Selected By The Grower
TheUk420Showanswered grow question 3 years ago
Its upto you my friend :) If you are wanting to keep her on an extra few weeks then I would advice giving her one dose of N that should clear up all the yellow and it should be enough to finish her up for the whole grow but if you wanna remove the yellow leaves thats fine because they are yellow the plant has already used them for nutrients so they are just gunna shrival up and die and cause hiding spots for little nasty bugs so yeah better remove them if you intend of cropping soon if not then dose her up :)
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Yes Dills. Take those leaves off now, less work in the harvest. Cheers
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